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Blwyddyn 2/Year 2 - Mrs C Williams

Croeso i Ddosbarth Bl. 2
Mrs C. Williams
a Mrs Bevan

 Dilynwch ni ar Trydar 

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Diolch yn fawr! 

Diolch o galon i chi gyd am y rhoddion caredig ar ddiwedd y tymor. Rydyn ni'n gwerthfawrogi eich caredigrwydd yn fawr. Gobeithio y gwnewch chi fwynhau'r gwyliau ac edrychwn ymlaen at eich gweld chi eto ym Mis Medi! 

Thank you so much for your generous  gifts at the end of term. We really do appreciate your kindness very much. We hope you all enjoy the holidays and we look forward to seeing you again in September!

Cofion gorau / Best wishes,

Mrs Williams a Mrs Bevan

Llythyr 13/7/20 Letter

Hwyl Fawr Blwyddyn 2!

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Dychwelyd i'r Ysgol / Returning to School

Dewch i ddarllen am Dewi'r Diogyn wrth iddo dychwelyd i'r ysgol.

Read about Sammy Sloth as he returns to school.

Dewi'r Diogyn yn dychwelyd i'r ysgol

Sammy Sloth returns to school

Newyddion Pwysig! / Important news!

Gweithgareddau i'w gwneud adref

Activities to do at home

Thema'r wythnos: Amser Stori 5

This week's theme: Story Time 5

Amser Stori! It's Story Time!

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A fydd e'n suddo neu'n arnofio? / Wil it sink or float?

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Cwch Origami i Tedi / An Origami Boat for Tedi

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Tynnu Llun Cranc / Drawing a Crab

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Tynnu Llun Gwylan / Drawing a Seagull

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Dewch i greu crempog tedi / Let’s create teddy pancakes

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🚰 Sut i olchi eich dwylo! 🛁

Mae golchi dy ddwylo'n lân bob tro yn gallu curo pob math o afiechydon. Dyma Alex o Ffeil i ddangos sut i'w wneud yn iawn! 💦

Llyfrau Tric a Chlic am ddim! Free Tric a Chlic books!

Neges oddi wrth staff Ysgol Bryn y Môr  / A message from the staff at Ysgol Bryn y Môr

Byddaf yn gosod tasgau i chi i'w cyflawni ar J2PDf. Dilynwch y cyfarwyddiadau isod er mwyn cael mynediad at y gweithgareddau. Gallwch deipio'r atebion yn syth ar y gwaith. Cofiwch arbed eich gwaith! Rwy'n edrych ymlaen i weld eich gwaith yn eich ffeiliau ar J2launch! smiley 


I shall be setting tasks for you to complete on J2PDF. Follow the instructions below to access the tasks. You can type your answers on the document. Please remember to save your work! I am looking forward to seeing your work in your files on J2Launch! smiley 

Cyfarwyddiadau cam wrth gam ysgrifenedig / Step by step written instructions

Sut i gael mynediad at waith ar J2PDF

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Dilynwch y cyfarwyddiadau er mwyn medru cwblhau ambell dasg ar J2PDF

How to access work on J2PDF

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Follow the instructions to access work on J2PDF

Defnyddio JiT / Using JiT

Rhowch gynnig ar greu darn o ysgrifennu neu greu llun ar Jit5. Cofiwch fewngofnodi i Hwb yn gyntaf. Edrychaf ymlaen at weld eich gwaith! Fideo defnyddiol:



Have a go at writing a story or painting a picture on Jit5. You will need to log in to Hwb first. I look forward to seeing your work! See how to use the tools at: https://www.just2easy.com/tools/jit/index.html

Heriau Siarter Iaith Tafod Tawe Language Charter Challenges

Apiau defnyddiol - Useful Apps

Ymarfer Llawysgrifen / Handwriting Practise

Amser Stori / Story Time

Gweithgareddau Amser Stori / Story Time Activities

Gwefanau Defnyddiol / Useful Websites

Cyfarwyddiadau ar gyfer cael mynediad at restrau sillafu ar ‘Spell Blast’ / How to access lists of words using Spell Blast on HWB

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Cyfarwyddiadau Cymraeg

Here are the instructions in English:

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 Heriau Dewch i Feddwl 

Let's Think Challenges

Dyma weithgareddau rhesymu mathemategol i chi i'w cwblhau.

Here are some mathematical reasoning activities for you to complete.

Her Dewch i Feddwl 4/5/20 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 27/4/20 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 23/4/20 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 20/4/20 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl Pasg 3/4/20 Easter Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 25/3/20 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 19/3/20 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl ychwanegol / Additional Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 12/3/20 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 5/3/20 Let's Think Challenge

Dyma esiamplau o'r gwaith arbennig sydd wedi bod yn digwydd yn eich cartrefi yn ddiweddar! Gwych! / Here are a few examples of the excellent work that has been taking place in your homes recently! Well done!


Dyma Ni!

Gwersi Datblygiad Corfforol: Dydd Llun a Dydd Mercher

Physical Development Lessons: Monday and Wednesday

Tymor y Gwanwyn 2020 (ii)

Spring Term 2020 (ii)

Thema'r tymor: Hwyl a Gŵyl!

This Term's Theme: Festival Fun!

Rhagflas o weithgareddau'r tymor / An overview of this term's activities

Sul y Mamau Hapus!

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Dawnsio yn arddull y carnifal! Carnival Dancing!

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Cyflwyno gwybodaeth am Wŷl Holi / Presenting information about the Holi festival

Hwyl yn siop Lluniau Llon! Fun in our Class Shop

Astudio dathliadau o gwmpas y byd

Dathlu Diwrnod y Llyfr! Celebrating World Book Day!

Cardiau cystadlu cymeriadau o lyfrau - am hwyl! Top trump cards based on characters from books!

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus!

Diolch i PC Hughes am gynnal sesiwn ddiddorol i ni yn y dosbarth / Thank you PC Hughes for visiting us

Sesiwn Blasu Tenis! A Tennis Taster Session!

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Gweithdy Rhythm / Rhythm Workshop

Gweithdy Rhythm gwych gyda Bongo! An excellent rhythm workshop with Bongo!

Carnifal! Dewch i ddathlu!

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Agoriad swyddogol siop Lluniau Llon! / The official opening of our ‘Lluniau Llon’ shop!

  Gwaith Cartref Sillafu

Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 13/3/20 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 6/3/20 Spelling Homework


Tymor y Gwanwyn (i) 2020

Spring Term (i) 2020

Thema'r tymor: Y Byd Mawr Crwn

This term's theme: The Big Wide World

Rhagflas o weithgareddau'r tymor / An overview of this term's work

Diwrnod Defnyddio’r We yn Fwy Diogel / Safer Internet Day

Astudio Bae Abertawe / Studying Swansea Bay

Hoffech chi ddysgu mwy am Gymru? Gwyliwch ein cyflwyniadau!

Would you like to learn more about Wales? Watch our presentations!

Cymru Arbennig! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

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Bwyd Blasus Cymru! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

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Ar draws Cymru 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

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Caru Cymru 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

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Crwydro Cymru 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

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Dysgu dawns Mr Urdd yn ystod Wythnos Cymreictod! / Learning the Mr Urdd dance! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

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Dysgu dawns ‘Cylch y Cymry’

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Diwrnod Awstralia! Australia Day!

Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich cyfraniadau caredig. Codwyd £52 tuag at apêl Awstralia y WWF. 🐨

Thank you very much for your kind donations. We raised £52 towards the WWF Australia appeal. 🐨

Bisgedi Anzac o Awstralia / Australian Anzac biscuits

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Tost a Vegemite o Awstralia! Toast and Australian vegemite!

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Ydych chi’n hoffi vegemite? Do you like vegemite?

Bara tylwyth teg o Awstralia! Australian Fairy Bread!

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Diolch yn fawr iawn i Rhiannon Morgan am ddiwrnod bendigedig yn astudio celf cyn-frodorol! A huge thank you to Rhiannon Morgan for a fantastic day studying Aboriginal Art!

Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen Hapus! ❤️Happy St Dwynwen Day

Mwynhau astudio dawns gynfrodorol / Fun whilst studying Aboriginal dance!

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Dathlu Diwrnod Awstralia! Celebrating Australia Day!

Beth am geisio canu’r didjeridŵ? Can you play the didgeridoo?

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Cyflwyno ffeithiau am Awstralia / Presenting information about Australia

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Hoffech chi ddysgu am Awstralia? Would you like to learn about Australia?

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Awstralia! Australia!

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Ffeithiau am Awstralia / Facts about Australia

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Dysgu am Awstralia / Learning about Australia

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Mwynhau’r thema! Enjoying this term’s theme!

Aeth Mamgu i’r Farchnad! Animeiddio gwych! / Excellent animation work!

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Y wlad fuddugol oedd...Awstralia! And the winning country is...Australia!

Pa wlad yr hoffech chi ei hastudio? Mae'n amser cynnal pleidlais! / Which country would you like to study in more detail? It's time to vote!

Carped hud yw e! It’s a magic carpet!

Mae'r thema wedi dechrau gyda chymorth stori "Aeth Mamgu i'r Farchnad." Cyrhaeddodd parsel arbennig ein dosbarth hefyd ac rydyn ni'n ysu am gael defnyddio ein carped hud! Cofiwch fynd ati i ddewis y wlad yr hoffech  deithio iddi a dychwelyd eich pleidlais mor fuan ag sy'n bosibl!


The theme has begun with the help of the story "Aeth Mamgu i'r Farchnad" ('My Granny Went to Market.")  We also received a lovely parcel and we can't wait to begin using our magic carpet!  Remember to choose the country that you would like to visit and return your voting slips as soon as possible!

Cynllunio ein thema! Planning our term’s work!

 Gwaith Cartref Sillafu  

Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 31/1/20 Spelling Homework

Gwaith cartref Sillafu 17/1/20 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 10/1/20 Spelling Homework

 Her Dewch i Feddwl 

Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 6/2/20 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 16/1/20 Let's Think Challenge


Tymor yr Hydref (ii) 2019

Autumn Term (ii) 2019

Thema'r hanner tymor: Goleuni a Thywyllwch

This half term's theme: Light and Darkness

Dyma ni'n casglu syniadau am yr hyn yr hoffem ei ddysgu ar ein Bwrdd Bang! Here we are collecting ideas about what we'd like to learn about this term!

Rhagflas o weithgareddau'r tymor / An overview of this term's activities

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

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Pwy sy’n dwad dros y bryn...?

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Mae’n amser parti! It’s party time! 🎄🎉🎈

Dewch i ddawnsio! Let’s Dance!

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Corrachod prysur! Santa’s little helpers are busy at work!

Efelychu gwaith Kandinsky ar gyfer creu ein calendrau! Emulating Kandinsky’s work to create our calendars

Cardiau hyfryd! Beautiful cards!🎄

Ar werth yn y Ffair Nadolig! For sale at the Christmas Fair! 🎄

Y Nadolig Cyntaf gan Aled Afal

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Hanes Geni’r Iesu gan grŵp Matilda

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GrŵpLuigi Lemwn yn cyflwyno Stori’r Geni

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Stori’r Geni gan grŵp Ana Banana

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Y Nadolig Cyntaf gan Oriol Oren

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Defnyddio’r blociau i adrodd stori’r Geni ⭐️ Using blocks to present the Christmas story

Mae’r paratoadau ar gyfer y Ffair Nadolig wedi dechrau! 🎄 The preparations towards the Christmas Fair have begun!

Alun yr Arth yn y gofod! Mwynhewch! Enjoy!

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Dyma stori ‘Alun yr Arth yn y gofod!’

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We’ve enjoyed using the iPad to retell a story!

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Alun yr Arth yn y Gofod

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Anturiaethau Alun yn y Gofod!

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Tybed pa ddeunyddiau sy’n dargludo trydan? Beth am fynd ati i ddarganfod? What about discovering which materials conduct electricity? 💡

Plant Mewn Angen 2019 /Children in Need

Rydyn ni wedi mwynhau darllen stori ‘Sut i Ddal Seren.’ Dyma animeiddiad arbennig o’r stori i chi! We’ve enjoyed reading ‘Sut i Ddal Seren.’ Here is our excellent animation of the story! Enjoy!

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Creu sêr arbennig i’r bachgen yn y stori ⭐️Making special stars for the boy in the story

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Creu seren i’r bachgen yn y stori / We made stars for the boy in the story

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Cawsom her oddi wrth y bachgen yn y stori! Rhaid creu seren i’r bachgen! We had a parcel from the boy in the story! He asked us to make a star for him! ⭐️

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Dyma ni’n creu ein sêr! Here we are busy making our stars!

Pa fath o ddillad sydd orau ar gyfer eu gwisgo i gadw'n ddiogel wrth fynd allan yn y tywyllwch? Dyma ni'n mynd ati i greu ymchwiliad! What kind of clothes are best for keeping safe when going out in the dark? We planned an investigation!

Am ddechrau cyffrous i'r tymor! An exciting start to the term!

 Her Dewch i Feddwl! 

Let's Think Challenge!

Her Dewch i Feddwl 28/11/19 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 21/11/19 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 14/11/19 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 7/11/19 Let's Think Challenge

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 

Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 22/11/19 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 15/11/19 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 8/11/19 Spelling Homework


Tymor yr Hydref (i) 2019

Autumn Term (i) 2019


Thema'r tymor: Dyma Fi!

This term's theme: This is Me!

Dyma rai o'n syniadau ar gyfer y tymor! Here are some of our ideas for this term!

Rhagflas o weithgareddau'r tymor / An overview of this term's work

‪Blwyddyn 2 yn mwynhau helfa ddail yn y parc cyn mynd ati i greu campweithiau creadigol dros ben! ‬ ‪Year 2 enjoyed a leaf hunt at the park before creating some creative masterpieces! 🍁🍂🐿‬

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Mwynhau sesiwn pêl rwyd gyda Owain a Catrin o’r Urdd! Enjoying a netball taster session with Owain and Catrin!

Diolch yn fawr i dad Bethany am ddod i siarad â ni am fywyd heb y synnwyr gweld. Diwedd diddorol iawn i’n gwaith am y synhwyrau. A big thank you to Bethany’s dad for coming in to talk to us about life without the sense of sight. An interesting ending to our work on the senses.

Sgiliau arlunio gwych! Excellent artistic skills!

Datblygu ein sgiliau animeiddio! Practising our animation skills!

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Mwynhau wrth archwilio’r pum synnwyr! Fun whilst learning about the five senses!

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Shwmae Su’mae!

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Mwynhau dysgu am briodweddau siapau! Fun whilst learning about the properties of shapes!

Mwy o archwilio siapau! More shape investigation work!

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Rhaid mesur hyd y babi! We need to measure the baby's length!

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Dewch i'r Clinig Babanod! Visit our Baby Clinic!

Ysgrifennu arbennig yn ein sesiwn Geirio Gwych! Excellent writing in our Big Writing session!

Rydyn ni wedi creu holiadur! Helpwch ni i ddarganfod mwy am fywyd plant yn y gorffennol! Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod.

We’ve created a questionnaire. Help us learn more about children’s lives in the past! Click on the link below.

Ymweld â’r Glynn Vivian / Our visit to the Glynn Vivian

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Yn yr oriel / At the gallery

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Yn yr oriel / At the gallery

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Oriel y Glynn Vivian

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Taith i Oriel y Glynn Vivian! A visit to the Glynn Vivian art gallery!

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Bore bendigedig yn Oriel y Glynn Vivian! A lovely morning at the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery!

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Nodyn i'ch atgoffa / A reminder:

Taith i Oriel y Glynn Vivian 2/10/19 Visit to Glynn Vivian Gallery

Pan oeddwn i’n fach... / When I was younger...

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Pan oeddwn i’n fabi.../ When I was a baby...

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Dyma ni’n fabis bach!

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Pan oeddwn i’n fabi... / When I was a baby...

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Pan oeddwn i’n fach... / When I was younger...

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Mwynhau defnyddio’r llyfrau ‘Chrome’ newydd! Enjoying using the new Chromebooks!

Dysgu am seremoni fedyddio Gristnogol / Learning about a Christian baptism ceremony

Ein sesiwn ‘Geirio Gwych’ 1af! Our 1st ‘Big Writing’ session! 👏🏻

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Ymwelydd arbennig iawn! A very special visitor!

Cais am luniau! A request for pictures!

Blas o’r wythnosau 1af! A taste of our first few weeks in year 2!

 Her Dewch i Feddwl 

Let's Think Challenge!

Her Dewch i Feddwl 17/10/19 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 10/10/19 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 3/10/19 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 26/9/19 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 19/9/19 Let's Think Challenge

 Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 

Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 18/10/19 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 11/10/19 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 4/10/19 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 27/9/19 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 20/9/19 Spelling Homework