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Dosbarth y Morlo - Mrs C Williams

Croeso i Ddosbarth y Morlo

Blynyddoedd 1 a 2

Mrs C. Williams 

a Miss A. Samuel




Dilynwch ni ar Trydar / Follow us on Twitter


Dosbarth y Morlo - Dyma ni! ‘Morlo’ class - Here we are!

Diolch yn fawr! ❤️

Diolch yn fawr i chi gyd am fod yn ddosbarth arbennig eleni  ac am y negeseuon caredig a'r anrhegion hael dros ben. Gobeithio y cewch chi gyd wyliau haf hyfryd a phob hwyl i chi gyd! Mrs Williams a Mrs Bevan xx


Thank you! ❤️

Thank you all for being such a wonderful class and for the kind messages and generous gifts. We hope you have a lovely Summer and we wish you the very best next year! Mrs Williams and Mrs Bevan xx

Tymor yr Haf 2023

Summer Term 2023

Uned ddysgu'r tymor: Beth sy'n cuddio'n y coed?

This term's unit of learning: What's hiding in the woods?

Efelychu gwaith yr arlunydd Henri Rousseau - lluniau hyfryd o’r goedwig law! Emulating the style of Henri Rousseau - lovely pictures of the rain forest!

Sesiwn olaf Bl1 yn yr ysgol goedwig! Year 1’s last session at Forest School!

Sesiwn olaf Blwyddyn 2 yn yr Ysgol Goedwig! Diolch i Pixie a’r criw am brofiad gwych! Year 2’s last session at Forest School! Thank you Pixie and the team for a wonderful experience!

Beth ydych chi wedi ei fwynhau? What have you enjoyed?

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Dewch i glywed am ein taith i’r Ardd Fotaneg!

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Taith i Ardd Fotaneg Cymru!

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Diwrnod bendigedig yn dysgu am gynefin y goedwig yng Ngardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru! 🌳 A wonderful day learning about the forest habitat at the National Botanic Garden of Wales!


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Cawsom ymwelwyr arbennig yn ein dosbarth heddiw! / we had some very interesting visitors today!

Ysgol Goedwig sesiwn prynhawn 15/6/23 Forest School Afternoon session

Ysgol Goedwig bore 15/6/23 Forest School morning session

Mabolgampau 2023🏅 Ewch i dudalen yr ‘Oriel’ i weld fideos o’r diwrnod! Sports Day 2023 🏅Visit the Gallery page in the Pupils section to see more!

Diwrnod Gyrfaoedd / Career Day

Mwynhau dysgu am gadwynau bwyd / Learning more about food chains

Diwrnod Empathi 2023 / Empathy Day 2023

Darllen cliwiau cyn anfon Gwen Gwenynen ar daith! Let’s solve the clues before giving instructions to the Beebot!

Am ddiwrnod gwych yn yr ysgol goedwig! Mwynhau popcorn, malws melys, chwilio am greaduriaid bach a llawer mwy! What a fantastic day at Forest School! We enjoyed making popcorn, toasting marshmallows, looking for insects and minibeasts and much more!

Dewch i ddysgu am greaduriaid y goedwig! Would you like to learn about the creatures and birds that live in the woods?

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Mwy o ffeithiau! / More facts!

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Beth sy’n byw yn y goedwig? Mwy o ffeithiau! More facts about woodland creatures!

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Mwy o ffeithiau! More facts!

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Llongyfarchiadau mawr am ennill gwobrau yn yr Eisteddfod Sir am eich gwaith celf! 🌟Congratulations on your success in the Arts and Crafts competition at the County Eisteddfod!

Beth sy’n byw yn y goedwig? 🌳What lives in the woods?

Dewch i wrando ar ein disgrifiadau o’r Gryffalo! We’ve been busy describing the Gruffalo!

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Bore bendigedig yn y goedwig! 27/4/23 Morning Session Forest School. A great start to our new unit of learning!

Dechrau da i’r Uned Ddysgu! Ysgol Goedwig Prynhawn 27/4/23 Afternoon Session Forest School.


Tymor y Gwanwyn 2023

Spring Term 2023


Uned ddysgu’r tymor: Hip, hip hwrê!

This term’s unit of learning: Hip, Hip Hooray!


Rhagflas o waith y tymor /An overview of this term's work

Ymunwch yn hwyl y carnifal! Carnival fun!

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Mwynhau gyda dosbarth y Gragen! Carnival fun with dosbarth y Gragen!

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Dewch i ddawnsio! Let’s dance!

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Her! Rhaid i ni gynllunio a threfnu carnifal fel dosbarth! Pa thema wnawn ni ei ddewis tybed? 🌟We’ve received a challenge! We must plan and organise a class carnival!

Llongyfarchiadau mawr am ennill yr 2il wobr ar yr unawd dan 8 yn yr Eisteddfod Sir! 🌟Congratulations on winning the 2nd prize for the individual singing at the County Eisteddfod!

Blas o’r gamp Jujitsu / Jujitsu taster session

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Dysgu sgiliau codio - anfon Gwen Gwenynen o un dathliad i’r llall 🌟 Practising our coding skills by sending the Beebot from one celebration to the other!

Diolch yn fawr iawn i Mr Lucas de Freitas am gyflwyniad diddorol iawn! We enjoyed a very interesting presentation about Brazil! Thank you!

Llongyfarchiadau! Ymlaen i’r Eisteddfod Sir! 🌟 Congratulations! Good luck at the County Eisteddfod!

Hanes Dewi Sant! Gwaith annibynnol gwych! 🌟Excellent independent work - watch our video to learn more about St David

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Mwy o hanes Dewi Sant

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Eisteddfod Gŵyl Ddewi🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

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Sesiwn Bore Ysgol Goedwig 2/3/23 Forest School Morning Session

Ymarfer ar gyfer Eisteddfod yr Ysgol Ddydd Gwener! 'Dwi'n Gymro, Dwi'n Gymraes' Practising towards the School Eisteddfod on Friday!

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Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus!

Neges i'r plant sydd eisiau cystadlu ar yr unawd yn yr eisteddfod: Mae'r geiriau ar gyfer Mr Triongl ar Hwb i chi. 

A message for the pupils who have shown interest in competing on the individual solo competition at the local eisteddfod - The words and tune have been uploaded to Hwb.

Gweithdy Dawns gyda Miss Young. Fedrwch chi deimlo naws y carnifal? / Dance Workshop with Miss Young. Can you feel the carnival atmosphere?

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Diwrnod Defnyddio'r Rhyngrwyd yn Fwy Diogel / Safer Internet Day

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn dysgu llawer ynglŷn â sut i gadw’n ddiogel ar y we. Cafodd y plant ddewis sut i gyflwyno eu gwaith. Dewisodd llawer o blant i greu ffilmiau. Da iawn bawb!

We've been learning a great deal about how to stay safe online. Children were given the choice of how to present their work. Many children chose to create films. Well done everyone!

Defnyddio’r we yn ddiogel / Internet safety

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Neges bwysig/ An important message to help us stay safe online!

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Cadw'n ddiogel ar-lein / How to stay safe online!

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Neges bwysig arall! Another important message!

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Rheolau pwysig! Important internet safety rules!

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Ysgol Goedwig Sesiwn Bore 2/2/23 Forest School Morning Session

Ysgol Goedwig Sesiwn Prynhawn 2/2/23 Forest School Afternoon Session 2/2/23

Dyma ni’n adrodd hanes Santes Dwynwen! We’ve been learning the story of St Dwynwen!

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Mwynhau dysgu stori Santes Dwynwen! Dyma ein map stori! We’ve been learning the story of St Dwynwen. Here’s our story map!

Dewch i ganu! Let's sing!

Dwi'n Gymro, Dwi'n Gymraes!

Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen Hapus!

Mwvynhau gweithgareddau diwrnod Santes Dwynwen! St Dwynwen’s day activities! ❤️

Mwynhau dysgu am y Flwyddyn Newydd Tseineaidd / We’ve enjoyed learning about the Chinese New Year celebrations!

Gwaith animeiddio dawns y ddraig gan Leon a Leeco. Da iawn chi! Independent animation work by Leeco and Leon. Well done!

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Blwyddyn Newydd Dda! Rydyn ni wedi bod yn dysgu am draddodiadau’r flwyddyn newydd yng Nghymru. Ydych chi wedi clywed am y Fari Lwyd?

Happy New Year! We’ve been learning about New Year Traditions in Wales. Have you heard about the ‘Fari Lwyd?’

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

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Dyma ni a’r Fari Lwyd

Dyma’r Fari Lwyd

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Hwyl yn animeiddio! Animation fun!

Tymor yr Hydref / Autumn Term

Uned ddysgu’r tymor: Bywyd braf yw bywyd plentyn

This term’s unit of learning: A child’s life is a happy life

Bant â ni i gynllunio! Dyma rai o’n syniadau ar gyfer y tymor / Here are some of our ideas for this term!

Rhagflas o weithgareddau'r tymor / An overview of this term's work

Diolch yn fawr i Siôn Corn am alw i'n gweld ni! 🎄

🎵Ding a ling a ling🎵

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Hwyl a sbri ar Ddiwrnod Oes Fictoria! Victorian Day!

Dewch i ddysgu tabl 10 / Let’s learn the 10 times table...

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Taith i’r Amgueddfa / Museum Visit

Diwrnod Oes Fictoria / A Victorian Day

Llawer o ddiolch i griw Capel y Bedyddwyr Ebenezer heddiw am y croeso cynnes a’r gweithgareddau hyfryd! Cafodd Bl 2 fore bendigedig yn eich cwmni. Nadolig Llawen i chi gyd! A huge thank you to @EbenezerSwansea for the warm welcome today. Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed the experience!

Hoffech chi ddysgu am hanes Susan Rees, merch o Oes Fictoria? Gwyliwch ein ffilmiau! Would you like to learn more about Susan Rees, a girl from the Victorian era? Watch our films to discover more!

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Dysgwch mwy am Susan Rees yma! Learn more about Susan Rees here!

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Mwy o wybodaeth! More facts!

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Hanes Susan Rees

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Hanes Susan Rees

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Bore bendigedig yn gwylio panto ‘ Y Bachgen Bach Gwyrdd’ - Pantomime fun!

Bydd yr addurniadau hyfryd yma ar werth yn y Ffair Nadolig! 🎄These lovely decorations will be for sale at the Christmas Fair! 🎄

Llythyr Gwisgoedd Gwasanaeth Nadolig / Christmas Service Costumes Letter

Dyma ni’n cefnogi tîm Cymru! Yma o hyd! C’mon Wales!

Mwynhau gweithgareddau Cwpan y Byd! World Cup activities!

Tybed beth sydd yn y cwdyn? Rydyn ni’n gyffrous i ddysgu am fywyd plant yn y pyllau glo yn Oes Fictoria! What’s in the bag? We’re looking forward to discovering more about the lives of children working in the coal mines during Victorian times!

Diwrnod Plant Mewn Angen 2022 Children in Need Day

Ein cardiau Nadolig hyfryd! Our lovely Christmas cards!

(Mae'r ffurflenni ar gyfer archebu cardiau wedi eu hanfon adref gyda'r plant. / Ordering forms have been given to the children.)

Sesiwn prynhawn Ysgol Goedwig 27/10/22 Afternoon Session Forest School

Sesiwn bore Ysgol Goedwig 27/10/22 Forest School Morning Session

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Hwyl a sbri yn gwisgo fel plant o Oes Fictoria! Dressing up as children from the Victorian era!

Mwynhau creu teganau Oes Fictoria! Fun creating toys from the Victorian era!

Mae’r Siop Deganau ar agor! Our class Toy Shop is now open!

Mwynhau trefnu a dosbarthu teganau yn ôl eu hoed / We’ve been having fun whilst sorting toys and creating a toy timeline!

Rydyn wedi teithio nôl i Oes Fictoria ac wedi dechrau dysgu am fywyd ysgol amser maith maith yn ôl. Cyffrous! / We've traveled back to Victorian times and started learning about school life.

Diwrnod T Llew Jones / T Llew Jones Day

Diolch i Amgueddfa Abertawe am gael benthyg bocsys o hen deganau. Diddorol iawn! A big thank you to Swansea Museum for lending us a box of old toys! We had a very interesting morning learning about toys from the past

Ysgol Goedwig Sesiwn Prynhawn 6/10/22 Forest School Afternoon Session

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Ysgol Goedwig Sesiwn Bore 6/10/22 Forest School Morning Session

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Ein sesiwn Geirio Gwych 1af! Our 1st Geirio Gwych session!

Disgrifio Tedi Oren! Describing Tedi Oren!

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Ymddangosodd parsel diddorol yn ein dosbarth! Cawsom hwyl yn datblygu ein sgiliau meddwl. A mysterious parcel arrived in our class! We worked hard to develop our thinking skills!

Mae gennym hawliau! Children’s rights

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Mae gen i hawl...

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Dathlu Diwrnod Owain Glyndŵr / Celebrating Owain Glyndŵr Day

Sesiwn prynhawn Ysgol Goedwig / Afternoon session Forest School

Sesiwn bore Ysgol Goedwig 15/9/22 Forest School Morning Session

Rydyn ni wrthi'n brysur yn dysgu am hawliau plant ac yn mwynhau canu'r gân 'Mae gennym hawliau.'

Cliciwch ar y ddolen i wrando!


We've been busy this week learning about children's rights and learning to sing a new song called 'Mae gennym hawliau.'

Click on the link to listen to the song.

Mae gennym hawliau! Canu hyfryd! Lovely singing!

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Am wythnos brysur! Pawb wedi ymgartrefu’n hapus a gwneud ffrindiau newydd! / What a busy week! We’ve made new friends and settled happily into our new class!

Ychydig luniau o’n diwrnod 1af. Mwy i ddilyn! / A few pictures of our first day. More to follow!