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Gwasgwch y seren am weithgareddau Nadolig 2020 Click the star for Christmas 2020 activities

Creu fideo dosbarth. Making a whole class video

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Bu'm yn brysur iawn yn dysgu'r gan yma gyda'r nod o greu fideo dosbarth cyfan i rannu gyda chi cyn y Nadolig. Yn anffodus ni fydd hyn y digwydd nawr ond...mae gen i syniad!! Os gallwch recordio'ch plentyn yn canu'r gan (os maent yn hapus i'w gwneud, os na byddai llun o flaen y goeden yn hyfryd!) yna galla'i creu'r fideo a rhannu fe gyda chi!

We’ve been working really hard to learn this song in school, with the end goal of making a video to share with you all before the end of term. Unfortunately this can’t happen, but I have an idea.... Perhaps you could record your child singing it (if they’re willing, if not a picture of them by the tree would be fanstastic!) and I’ll try and merge it all together and share it with you!

Stori gyda Mrs Jones / A story with Mrs Jones

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Beth am baratoi bwyd i'r ceirw? What about making some reindeer food?

Hoffi celf a chrefft? Beth am geisio gwneud un o rhein? Cofiwch ddanfon llun i fi ar ebost! Like arts and crafts? Give one of these a go! Remember to email me a photo of it once its finished!

Mae syniadau gwych ar wefan 'five minute mum' (https://fiveminutemum.com/) sy'n ond yn cymrud 5 munud i baratoi! Beth am geisio gwneud rhai o'r gweithgareddau hwylus yma? 


'Five minute mum' (https://fiveminutemum.com/) has got some fantastic activities on her website and best of all they literally take 5 minutes to set up! I've shared some with you here but there's a lot more on her website to choose from! 


Sesiwn Bwgi-wgi bysedd! Dough disco session

Pob wythnos rydym yn cynnal sesiwn Bwgi-wgi Bysedd er mwyn cryhau cyhyrau ein dwylo a datblygu ein sgiliau llawrdrinol manwl. Beth am gwylio'r fideo yma ac ymuno i mewn? Yr unig beth sydd angen yw darn bach o does!

Every week we partake in a tough disco session to strengthen our hand muscles and develop our fine motor skills. Why not join in with this festive video? All you need is a small ball of play dough.

Caru Canu | Pwy sy'n dwad dros y bryn? (Welsh Children's Song)

Cân Nadoligaidd draddodiadol am ymweliad Siôn Corn.A traditional Welsh song about Father Christmas' visit.

Caru Canu | Ting A Ling (Welsh Children's Christmas Song)

Cân Nadoligaidd am glychau'n canu. A Welsh adaptation of Jingle Bells

Caru Canu | Plu Eira Ydym Ni (Welsh Children's Song)

Cân am blu eira'n disgyn ar bentref a'i phentrefwyr.A song about snowflakes falling on a village and its residents.

Coginio gyda Mrs Evans

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