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Blwyddyn 3 / Year 3 - Miss K Williams

Thema Newydd - Esgyrn, Gwaed a Darnau Gwaedlyd!!

New Topic - Blood, Bones and Gory Bits!!

Sesiwn ffitrwydd gyda Lee Trundle!

Diwedd ein thema! 

The end of our topic!


Rydym wedi bod wrth ein bodd y tymor yma yn cynllunio a chreu logos! Dyma llun o'r prosiect orffenedig! 



We have thoroughly enjoyed planning and creating logos this half term! All of our work paid off. Here are some pictures of the final project! 


Wythnos y llyfr.      World book week



Rydym yn mwynhau yr amrywiaeth o weithgareddau sydd wedi bod yn digwydd yr wythnos yma! Daeth Bethan o'r gwasanaeth tan ac achub i ddarllen i ni heddiw! Mwynheuom gwrando ar bennod cyntaf llyfr Y Gwrachod gan Roald Dahl!


We have been enjoying the variety of activities that have been happening this week!

Today Bethan from the fire service read Roald Dahl, The Witches to us, we really enjoyed!

Gwaith Cartref Hanner Tymor - Celf yr Urdd. (Rhestr testunau ar tud.13) Half Term Homework - Urdd Art Work (List of competitions pg.13)

Syniadau Gwaith Celf, Art Work Ideas

Thema Newydd - Cynllunwyr Dillad Chwaraeon


Mae gan y prosiect yma ffocws Dylunio a Thechnoleg. Bydd y plant yn dysgu am briodeweddau amryiwaeth o ddeunyddiau. Wrth wraidd y prosiect bydd plant yn dysgu am iaith hysbysebion a byddwn yn cael y cyfle i ysgrifennu a perfformio. Yn ychwanegol i hyn bydd plant yn cael y cyfle i ddatblygu geirfa gwyddonol a chynllunio a chynnal ymchwiliadau. 


Yn y prosiect yma bydd plant yn:

  • Dysgu am amrywiaeth o ddeunyddiau a'u priodweddau
  • Pa deunyddiau sydd yn ynysyddion da 
  • Pa deunyddiau sy'n wrth ddŵr
  • Dysgu am bwysigrwydd cadw'n heini
  • Sut i ddefnyddio nodweddion hysbysebion
  • Sut i ysgrifennu hysbyseb i hysbysebu eu cynnyrch gan ddefnyddio TGCh


New Topic - Sportswear Designers

This project has a design and technology focus and teaches children about the properties of a range of materials and how these are used in manufacturing sportswear and equipment.

At the heart of this 
project children will learn how to use the language of advertising to create a range of written and spoken advertisements. In addition they will develop the use of scientific vocabulary to write and record investigations.

In this project the children will learn:
• About a range of different materials and their properties;
• Which materials are good insulators and conductors of heat;
• Which materials are waterproof;

• About the importance of physical exercise to good health;

• How to use the features of adverts;
• How to write an advert to advertise their own product using a range of ICT and multimedia resources.

gymnasteg 21.01.15

Gwaith gwyddoniaeth Trychinebau

Gwaith Pie Corbett Work

Still image for this video
Recently the teachers went on a training course for Pie Corbett "talk for writing" . It is powerful because it enables children to imitate the language they need for a particular topic orally before reading and analysing it and then writing their own version. Here are a few video clips of us learning the originally story, and then after mapping it ourselves and searching for better vocabulary editing our maps and writing our own version of the story. Children have thoroughly enjoyed this work!

Gwaith Pie Corbett Work

Still image for this video
Ffion is "reading" her story map.

Gwaith Pie Corbett Work

Mwynhau sgiliau peldroed. Enjoying football skills

Mae 1000 gram yn gwneud cilogram

Mae 1000 mililitr yn gwneud 1 litr


1000g = 1kg

1000ml = 1L


Ffaith Rhifedd yr Wythnos - 06.10.14


Mae 10 milimedr yn gwneud 1 centimedr

Mae 100 centimedr yn gwneud 1 medr

Mae 1000 medr yn gwneud 1 cilomedr


10mm = 1cm

100cm = 1m

1000m = 1km

Sesiwn Blasu Tenis Bwrdd/ table tennis taster session

Adeiladu cestyll. Building castles

Gymnasteg! Mwynhau ein profiadau cyntaf yn y ganolfan gymnasteg. Enjoying our first experience in the gymnastics centre!

Croeso i flwyddyn tri!


Ein thema y tymor yma yw 'Cestyll a Dreigiau'.   Byddwn yn dechrau'r thema trwy ymweld â Chastell Ystumllwynarth Ddydd Mercher nesaf. Bydd y thema yn canolbwyntio ar storïau yn ymwneud ag Oes y Tywysogion, hanes cestyll Cymru a gwahanol rannau'r castell.


Our topic this half term is 'Castles and Dragons'. We will begin the topic by is half term by  visiting Oystermouth Castle next wednesday. The theme will concentrate on stories based around the Age of the Princes, the history of Wales' castles and the different parts of the castle. CC