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Podlediadau Tric a Chlic, CAM 2 HUFEN, Sesiwn 1

Os oes gyda chi'r daflen Tric a Chlic Cam 2 HUFEN yn J2PDF, gwyliwch y fideo hyn yn gyntaf.
Bydd angen pensil a phapur arnoch chi!
If you have the Tric a Chilc Cam 2 HUFEN in J2PDF shared files, watch this video first!
You'll need a pen an pensil ready!

Tric a Chlic Podcasts, CAM 1 GLAS, sain 'th'

Os oes gyda chi'r daflen CAM 1 Glas yn J2 PDF, gwyliwch y fideo hyn yn gyntaf.
Bysedd yn barod!
If you have the task called 'CAM 1 GLAS' in your J2PDF shared files, watch this video first.
Get your spelling fingers ready!!

Dewch i ddysgu am y gaeaf! 

Come and learn about the Winter!


Gwrandewch ar y stori / Listen to the story

Still image for this video

Amser stori 2

Still image for this video

Dewch i ganu a dawnsio gyd Cyw!

Come and sing and dance with Cyw!

Cân y Tymhorau | Cyw's Seasons Song

🍁 Cân yr wythnos yw cân y Tymhorau! http://s4c.cymru/cyw🍁 This week's song is the Seasons song! http://www.s4c.cymru/cyw/en/

Amser Stori 3

Still image for this video

Cyfrwch yn ofalus!

Count carefully!

Beth am fynd am Helfa Gaeaf.

Gwyliwch video Mrs Evans a wedyn allan a chi!

What about going for a winter walk.

Watch Mrs Evans's video and then out you go!

Defnyddiwch y daflen helfa i chwilio am bethau gaeaf. 

Use the sheet to help you look for winter things.


Still image for this video