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Derbyn & Blwyddyn 1 / Reception & Year 1 - Miss K Griffiths

Croeso i Awstralia!

Dosbarth Miss Griffiths, Miss Harding a

Mr Jones.



Derbyn a Blwyddyn 1

Peidiwch anghofio - mae gennym gyfrif Trydar hefyd!

Don't forget - we also have a class Twitter account!


Tymor yr Haf (ii)

Thema olaf y flwyddyn yw.....



Summer term (ii)

The final theme of the year is...

Dewch i brynu ein cynfasau Celf yn y Ffair Haf - £2.50

Look at our Art canvases! Available to buy in the Summer fete - £ 2.50

Dyma ni wrthi yn peintio ein cynfasau Haf / Here we are painting our Summer canvases

Tymor yr Haf (i)

Thema: Brwydr y Dinosoriaid


Summer term (i)

Theme: Battle of the Dinosaurs

Daeth Ronnie y T- Recs i'm gweld heddiw! Dysgom nifer o ffeithiau amdano.


Ronnie the T-Rex came to see us today!

We learnt lots of interesting facts! 


Tymor y Gwanwyn (ii)

Ein thema am yr hanner tymor i ddilyn yw...

Baw, Annibendod a Chymysgeddau


Spring Term (ii)

Our theme for the next half term is:

Muck, Mess and Mixtures



Fel arfer mae pob croeso i'r plant i ddod ag unrhyw offer/ adnoddau o'r cartref i ddangos fel rhan o'r thema.


As always the children are welcome to bring any resources from home which are suitable to the theme.

Helo i'r Gwanwyn / Hello Spring time!

Eisteddfod Dydd Gwyl Dewi

Adeiladwyr arbennig! Brilliant builders!

Am ddiwrnod i gofio yng Ngardd Fotaneg Cymru heddiw!

What a lovely day at the Botanical Gardens today!


Gwaith y thema - An array of activities

Mwynhau sblasio! Splish splash splosh!

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda a chroeso i dymor y Gwanwyn 2016

Happy New Year and welcome to the Spring term 2016smiley

Ein thema am yr hanner tymor i ddilyn yw...

Pitran Patran yn y Pyllau

Addas iawn ar gyfer y tywydd presennol!


Our theme for the forthcoming half term is..

Pitter patter in the puddles

Highly appropriate for the current weather!




Rhagflas yr hanner tymor/ Overview of theme

Ein thema am yr hanner tymor nesaf yw:

Pan af i gysgu....

Our new theme for the next half term is:

When I go to sleep...


Rhagflas yr hanner tymor / Overview of half term's work

Addurno'r goeden Nadolig / Decorating our Christmas tree!

Dosbarthu lluniau dydd a nos / Sorting day and night time activities

Braf oedd cwrdd a hoff deganau'r plant heddiw! Tedis, cwn, ceir a thywysogesau di-ri!

A meet and greet session with the children's favourite bedtime toys today! A range of teddy bears, dogs, cars and princesses!

Ein anturiaethau yn y Gofod / Check out our adventures in Space!

Cofiwch alw yn y Ffair Nadolig ar 26/11/2015 er mwyn prynu addurniadau Nadoligaidd hyfryd y plant!

Remember to call in at the school's Christmas fete in order to purchase the pupils' lovely Christmas coasters!

Cip olwg ar rhai ohonynt! A sneak preview of some of our coasters!

Diwrnod pyjamas i Blant mewn angen 2015 / Pyjama day in support of Children in need 2015

Cyngerdd Pori drwy stori plant y Derbyn / Reception Pori drwy stori Nursery rhyme challenge

Joio canu a dawnsio

Still image for this video

Wythnos Eco "Llai o wastraff - Mwy o fywyd"

Buom wrthi heddiw yn dysgu ymhellach am bwysigrwydd ailgylchu ac am y biniau amrywiol sydd angen i ni ddefnyddio yn y dosbarth (papur, plastig a bin cyffredinol.)

Gwnaethom greu logo Eco Sgolion wrth dorri a gludo darnau o hen ddillad.

Gwnaethom dasgu syniadau ar sut i leihau gwastraff (trydan, dwr ac adnoddau) yn yr ysgol. Am ddiwrnod prysur!


"Waste less - Live more" Eco week

We have been a great bunch of Eco warriors today by learning about the importance of recycling and what items to place in the various class bins (Paper, plastic and general.)

We created a Eco school collage by cutting and sticking pieces of old clothes and tablecloths on to the Eco logo.

We also thought of ideas in which we can use less electric, water and resources at school. What a busy day!

Am ddarn o dystiolaeth hyfryd : Dau blentyn o'r Derbyn yn canu a dawnsio i gan

"Dyma fi" yn yr ardal wrando...

Er fe rhewon nhw wrth sylweddoli fy mod i'n eu ffilmio!


Possibly the cutest bit of filming ever: Two Reception pupils singing & dancing along in the listening area today... although they froze when they realised they were being filmed ! wink


Still image for this video

Cathod o bob math / Cats galore!

Gweithgareddau hyd yn hyn/ Here's what we've been up to so far.....

Mae Cwtsh Cathod Bryn y Mor ar agor yn swyddogol!

Dyma aelodau ein staff cyfeillgar sy'n darparu gofal o safon uchel ar gyfer eich cathod!

Bryn y Mor Cattery is now officially open!

Here are our staff members who provide the utmost quality of care for your cats!no


Ein diwrnodau cyntaf yn ein dosbarth newydd / Our first few days in our new class : )

Thema'r hanner tymor:

Pawennau, crafangau a wisgers.



The theme for this half term is:

Paws, claws and whiskers.


Os oes gennych unrhyw adnoddau addas ar gyfer ein cornel  chwarae -" Cwtsh clyd y cathod " fe fyddwn yn ddiolchgar iawn i'w derbyn am gyfnod dros dro.

If you have any resources which would be suitable for our   "cattery" role play corner i.e soft toy cats, photos of the family cat etc we would be very grateful to receive them until the theme ends.

Rhagflas yr hanner tymor / Overview of this half term's work

Diwrnodau Ymarfer corff:

Dydd Mercher a Dydd Gwener. Cofiwch eich gwisgoedd.


PE days:

Wednesday and Friday. Please remember your kits.smiley