Home Page

Derbyn / Reception - Mrs R Harris-Jenkins

Croeso i Ddosbarth Derbyn

Mrs Jenkins a Mrs Morris!

Mae Mrs Barraclough a Miss Warwick yn ein helpu ni hefyd eleni. Dyma ni...



Welcome to Mrs Jenkins and

Mrs Morris' Reception Class!

This year Mrs Barraclough and Miss Warwick are helping us too. Here we are...


Dilynwch ein dosbarth ar Trydar!

Follow our class on Twitter!

@ YGGBYMRJenkins



Croeso i Siân, Siôn a Siencyn/ Welcome to Siân, Siôn and Siencyn!

Dr Kate yn ymweld â’r Dosbarth/ A visit from Dr Kate

Tymor yr Haf (ii) 2018

Summer Term (ii) 2018


Thema'r Hanner Tymor/This Half Term's Theme:




Hwyl ar y Traeth / Fun on the Beach at 360 Beach and Watersports

Dewch i F-ow-ow-ow-ns-io!!

Cawson ni lawer o hwyl yn y parc...


Let's B-ou-ou-ou-nce!

We had lots of fun in the park...

Peintio gyda ffrindiau Brig-ddyn/ Painting with Stickman’s friends

Anifeiliaid sy’n bownsio/ Animals that bounce


Tymor yr Haf (i) 2018

Summer Term (i) 2018


Thema'r Tymor: 


Brwydr y Dinosoriaid



This Term's Theme:


Battle of the Dinosaurs


Cerdded gyda Dinosoriaid

Braf oedd gweld cymaint o oedolion dewr yn ein cefnogi heddiw. Roedd y plant wrth eu bodd.  

Cadwodd bawb ar y llwybr a chafodd neb eu bwyta! 



Walking with Dinosaurs

It was wonderful to see so many brave adults supporting us today. The children were thrilled.

Everyone kept to the path and no one was eaten!


Atgyfnerthu ein hieithwedd fathemategol yn y parc / Reinforcing our mathematical language in the park


Tymor y Gwanwyn (ii) 2018 

Spring Term (ii) 2018


Thema'r hanner tymor:


Baw, Annibendod a Chymysgeddau





This half term's theme:


Mud, Muck and Mixtures

Dysgu am beth sy’n digwydd i ddeunyddiau pan gânt eu twymo ac eu hoeri/Learning about what happens to materials when they are heated and cooled

Ymweliad i Ardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru / A Trip to the National Botanic Garden of Wales

Diwrnod Anniben Arbennig! /A Marvelous Messy Day

Diwrnod y Llyfr/World Book Day

Tymor y Gwanwyn (i) 2018

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!!

Happy New Year!!!

Spring Term (i) 2018


Thema'r hanner tymor:

Pitran Patran yn y Pyllau



This half term's theme:

Pitter Patter in the Puddles


Rhagflas o'r Thema/ Theme Overview

Rasys Dŵr/ Water Races

Ymweliad i'r Golchdy Lleol / A Visit to the local Laundrette

Diolch Mrs Humphreys am ein croesawu ni heddiw a dangos i ni sut mae golchi dillad.

Ers cyflawni ein profiad gwaith, ry'n ni'n barod i weithio yng Ngolchi Mrs Wishi Washi!


Thank you Mrs Humphreys for welcoming us today and showing us how to wash clothes. 

Having had our work experience, we are now ready to work in Mrs Wishi Washi's Laundrette! 

Mwynhau yn y glaw/ Having fun in the rain

Cofiwch i ddod â'ch esgidiau glaw i'r ysgol i ymuno yn yr hwyl!


Don't forget to bring your wellies to school to join in the fun!


Thema'r Hanner Tymor:

Pan Af i Gysgu




This Term's Theme: 

When I fall Asleep


Sioe Fflic a Fflac/The Fflic a Fflac Show

Yr ysgol liw nos /The school by night

Roedd 10 yn cysgu'n braf..../ There were 10 in the bed.....

Wythnos Ysgol Iach/ Healthy School Week

Thema'r Hanner Tymor:

Pawennau, Crafangau a Wisgers



This Term's Theme: 

Paws, Claws and Whiskers



Rhagflas o'r thema / Overview of the theme

Dathlu Diwrnod T Llew Jones

Celebrating T Llew Jones Day


"Dail y coed sy'n cwympo lawr......yn yr hydref."

Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Cwrdd â Maisy'r Gath/ Meeting Maisy the Cat

Un a dwy a thair o gathod....

Sawl teigr sydd yn y dosbarth heddiw? How many tigers are there in class today?

Sawl cath lwyd? How many grey cats?

Adnoddau Defnyddiol

Useful Resources




Ewch i'r dudalen Llythrennedd i weld y plant yn perfformio llythrennau Tric a Chlic. 

Go to the Literacy page to see the children perform the 'Tric a Chlic' letters. 


Apiau defnyddiol / Useful apps



Taflenni Ymarfer Llawysgrifen/ Handwriting Practice Sheets