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Diogelwch Plant / Child Protection

Os ydych chi'n gofidio am unrhywbeth, gofid bach neu ofid mawr - peidiwch a'i gadw i'ch hun. Gall siarad â rhywun fod yn gysur mawr. Gall hynny fod yn rhiant, aelod o'r teulu, ffrind neu athro / athrawes. Os oes rhywbeth yn eich trafferthu chi, rhannwch e'. Os nad ydych chi am siarad gyda rhywun cyfarwydd, mae grwpiau eraill ar gael i'ch helpu. Dyma rhai ohonyn nhw:



If you are worried about anything, it could be something big or something small - don't bottle it up. It can really help if you talk to someone. That someone could be a parent, family member, friend or teacher. If there is something on your mind, please share it. If you don't want to talk to someone you know, there are many organisations that can help. Here are a few of them: