Pob lwc Mrs James / Good luck Mrs James
Hoffwn ddiolch i Mrs Rhian James-Collins am ei gwaith caled a’i harweiniad cadarn a phroffesiynol dros y tair blynedd diwethaf. Hoffwn ddymuno pob dymuniad da iddi yn ei hymddeoliad. / We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Rhian James-Collins for all her hard work and her strong, professional leadership over the past three years. We would like to wish her all the best during her retirement.
Pantolig yr adran Iau 2019🎄
Perfformiad arbennig gan blant blynyddoedd 1 a 2 y bore ‘ma! Llongyfarchiadau i chi gyd! ⭐️🎄
An excellent performance by year 1 and 2 pupils this morning! Congratulations to you all! ⭐️🎄
Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb am gefnogi ein Ffair Nadolig heno. Codwyd £2008.63, anhygoel! Diolch yn arbennig i Louise Davies ac i aelodau ‘CRA’ am eu gwaith yn trefnu a chynnal y noson.
Thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas Fair tonight. We raised an amazing £2008.63! A big thank you in particular to Louise Davies and members of the 'PTA’ for all their work in organising the event and for their work during the evening.
Diolch yn fawr i hoff staff y gegin am ginio nadolig blasus eleni eto. Pawb wedi mwynhau. 👍🏻🎄
A big thank you to all the kitchen staff for a delicious christmas dinner yet again this year. Everyone enjoyed. 👍🏻 🎄
Bore bendigedig yn gwylio Panto ‘Arwyr’ @CwmniM @TheatrauSirGar. Diolch yn fawr i’r CRA! 😀
We all thoroughly enjoyed this morning’s panto at Theatr y Ffwrnes. A big thank you to the PTA! 😀
Llongyfarchiadau i dîm pêl droed yr ysgol heddiw-ymlaen i’r rownd nesaf. Da iawn chi⚽️👏
Congratulations to the football team today-on to the next round. ⚽️👏🏻
Diolch ENFAWR am eich cefnogaeth ar gyfer Diwrnod Plant Mewn Angen ar Ddydd Gwener. Cawsom yr ymateb gorau erioed i’ r ‘Bake Off’ gyda 27 ymgeiswyr! Llongyfarchiadau mawr i’r enillwyr! Trwy bawb yn gwisgo pyjamas neu smotiau a’r stondin cacennau codon ni £380 fel ysgol! Anhygoel!
A massive thank you for all your support on Friday for Children in need. We had the best response we have ever had with 27 entries for the “Bake off”! Congratulations to our winners! Through everyone wearing pyjamas or spots and the cake stall we raised £380! Amazing!