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Miss E Jones & Mrs G Williams

Dosbarth Anghenion Addysgu Ychwanegol/

Additional Learning Needs Classroom


Rydym wedi bod yn brysur yn barod y tymor yma yn darganfod sawl ffordd newydd o ffurfio llythrennau ac adeiladu geiriau. Cafon llawer o hwyl drwy edrych, teimlo ac arogli yr adnoddau newydd. Roedd tywod y lleuad yn boblogaidd!


We've already been busy this term discovering new ways of building words and forming letters. Much fun was had looking, feeling and smelling our new resources. The moon dust proved to be popular!

Hwyl gyda'n synhwyrau! / Fun with our senses!

Darllen a sillafu / Reading and spelling

Dosbarthu llafariaid clwm/ sorting vowel digraphs

Croeso i'n dosbarth ni. Ein rôl ni yw i gefnogi'r plant hynny sydd yn gweld iaith a llythrennedd yn anodd, ac i ddarparu cyfleoedd gwahanol iddynt ddysgu.

Ni fydd ein plant yn ei gweld hi'n hawdd i ganolbwyntio mewn amgylchedd dosbarth. Mae lefel sŵn a phrysurdeb dosbarth yn her fawr i rhai ohonynt. 

Mae cael sylw athrawes mewn grŵp bach neu 1:1 yn cynnig manteision enfawr iddynt, ond yn amlwg ni fydd hyn yn bosib ar bob adeg o fewn dosbarth llawn â 30 o blant. 

Bydda i a Mrs Wiliams felly yn tynnu plant allan o'i dosbarthiadau am sesiynau byr (1/2 awr) 3/ 5 gwaith yr wythnos i'w cefnogi mewn amgylchedd tawel.

Deallwn fod rhai plant ag anghenion addysgu ychwanegol yn dysgu yn wahanol i blant eraill. Maent angen cyfleoedd i ddysgu trwy gwneud, a defnyddio eu holl synhwyrau wrth fynd ati.

Defnyddiwn ystod o ddeunyddiau hwylus ac anniben i ymarfer ffurfio llythrennau ac i ddysgu patrymau sillafu megis :- 

- tywod

- reis

- paent

- ewyn eillio

- dŵr

- clai  a llawer mwy


Hefyd fyddwn yn chwarae gemau, ar-lein neu arall, yn ogystal ag symud o gwmpas, a symud ein cyrff tra ein bod yn dysgu. e.e. wrth ddysgu geiriau c-ll-c fyddwn yn taflu pêli mewn i'r biniau llafariaid priodol, neu yn defnyddio cylchoedd ar y llawr i gategoreiddio ansoddeiriau, enwau a berfau, neu fyddwn allan ar yr iard yn neidio o un llythyren sialc i'r llall i geisio sillafu geiriau aml-ddefnydd.

Holl tra yn cael llawer o hwyl!!


Welcome to our class. Our role is to support those children that find language and literacy difficult, and to provide alternative learning opportunities.

Our children don't find it easy to concentrate in a classroom environment. The level of noise and busyness is a big challenge for some of them.

Having the teacher's attention in a small group or 1:1 is a great advantage for them, but obviously this isn't always possible in a full classroom of 30 children.

Mrs williams and I will therefore withdraw the children from their classes for short (1/2hour) sessions 3/ 5 times a week to support them in a quiet environment.

We understand that some children with additional learning needs learn differently to other children. They need opportunities to learn through doing, and use all of their senses in doing so.

We use a variety of fun and messy materials to practice letter formation, and to learn spelling patterns such as :-

- sand

- rice

- paint

- shaving foam

- water

- clay  and much more


We also play games, online or otherwise, as well as moving about and moving our bodies whilst learning, e.g. when learning c-v-c words we throw balls into the appropriate vowel bins, or we would use hoops on the floor to categorise nouns, verbs and adjectives, or we would be out on the yard jumping from one chalk letter to another trying to spell high frequency words. 

All the while having lots of fun!!


Y Goedwig Hud/ The Enchanted Forest


Cornel synhwyraidd, yw'r goedwig hud, yn darparu cyfle i'r plant i ymdawelu, gyda'r cerddoriaeth claearu, y goleuadau disglair, y clychau ysgafn, yr ieir fach yr haf adlewyrchol, yr arogl cain o lafant a digon o fanylion pert i ddal eu llygaid heb dynnu ei sylw gormod. Fe cawn eistedd yn ol a gorffwys ei pen ar glustog feddal, gan deimlo'r cônau pinwydd a logiau garw, neu'r llyfnder o'r cerrig mân wrth gymryd mewn yr holl agweddau synhwyraidd. Mae'n ardal tawel, myfyriol o fewn y dosbarth, sydd yn galluogi'r plant i ddod mewn i meddylfryd heddychlon cyn dechrau eu gwaith ac yn eu gwneud yn fwy parod i ddysgu.


Ynghyd a mwynhau yr agweddau synhwyraidd, cawn gyfle hefyd i fyfyrio ar eu gwaith o fewn y goedwig. Os fyddwn wedi cwblhau tasg, neu darn o waith maent wir yn falch ohono, ac yn gwybod ei bod wedi trio ei gorau fe allwn ddod i eistedd ar y madarch, dewis deilen, ysgrifennu arno a'i hongian ar y goeden. Mae hyn yn rhoi ymdeimlad enfawr o falchder a hyder i'r plant gan wybod fod eu hymdrechion wedi eu cydnabod a'u gwerthfawrogi.


The enchanted forest is a sensory corner, providing the children with opportunities for calm, with the soothing music, the twinkling fairy lights, the gentle chimes, the reflective butterflies, the delicate scent of lavender and just enough pretty detailing to catch their eye without being too distracting! They can lay back and rest their heads on a soft pillow and feel the roughness of the pine cones and logs, or the smoothness of the pebbles whilst taking in all these sensory delights. It's a quiet, reflective area within the classroom, enabling children to come in to a peaceful mindset before starting their work, and make them more receptive to learning.


As well as enjoying the sensory aspect, they also have the opportunity to reflect on their work within the forest. If they have completed a task, or a piece of work that they are particularly proud of and know that they have tried their hardest with, then they can come to sit on the toadstool table and chairs, choose a leaf, write on it and hang it from the tree. This gives the children an enormous sense of pride and confidence in knowing that their efforts are recognised and appreciated.

Y Goedwig Hud/ The Enchanted Forest

Fideo o'r Goedwig Hud/ Video of the Enchanted Forest

Still image for this video

Dysgu Aml-Synhwyraidd/ Multi sensory Learning

'Apps' Defnyddiol/ Useful 'Apps'


Rydym yn ffodus iawn i gael i-pad i'w ddefnyddio yn ein sesiynau ac mae'r plant wir yn mwynhau ei ddefnyddio. Mae yna cymaint o bosibiliadau ar gael drwy ddefnyddio technoleg fel hyn sydd yn hwyluso dysgu cymaint yn fwy i blant ag anghenion dysgu. Fe ddefnyddiwn er mwyn recordio gwaith, i ddysgu geiriau sillafu, i ymarfer ffurfio llythrennau, i ddatblygu sgiliau ffoneg, i chwarae gemau sydd yn profi'r côf a llawer mwy.



We are very fortunate to have an i-pad to use in our sessions and the children really do enjoy using them. There are so many possibilities available by using this type of technology that makes learning so much more fun for children with additional learning needs. We use them for recording children's work, to learn their spelling words, to practice letter formation, to develop phonic skills, to play games that test their memory and so much more.


Os oes gennych i-pad neu i-phone adref efallai hoffech chi edrych ar rhai o'r apps yma sydd wedi profi i fod yn llwyddiant gyda nifer o'r plant.


If you have an i-pad or i-phone at home you may like to have a look at some of these apps that have proven to be a success with many of the children.


Dyslexia Quest            


Hairy Letters    

Pocket Phonics                     Datblygu Llythrennedd/ Developing Literacy

Phonics Genius                    

Irregular Verbs

Homophones Photo Fun Deck


Doodle Buddy

Scribblify                           Aml-Synhwyraidd/ Multisensory

Glitter Draw

Mow It


Book Creator

My Story                           Recordio/ Recording

Moxier Collage

QR Code Creator/ Reader


Simon Says

Simon Says All In One            Sgiliau Côf/ Memory Skills



Cyw Amser Bwyd Bolgi            Cymraeg/ Welsh





Os ydych yn pryderu am eich plentyn, neu os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiwn am sut i gefnogi eich plentyn adref plis dewch i'n gweld, neu trefnwch apwyntiad yn y swyddfa.

Fyddwn yn hapus i'ch helpu os allwn ni.


If you have concerns about your child, or you have any questions regarding supporting your child at home  please come to see us, or arrange an appointment with the office.

We will be happy to help you if we can.