Croeso i Ddosbarth Bl. 2
Mrs C. Williams
a Mrs Bevan
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Tymor yr Haf 2017 (ii)
Summer Term 2017 (ii)
Thema'r tymor:
Cuddfannau a Dant y Llew
This term's theme:
Dens and Dandelions
NEGES I'CH HATGOFFA! Cofiwch ddychwelyd y ffurflen ar gyfer 'Gweithdy Cuddfannau Ysgol Goedwig' ym Mharc Singleton 30/6/17
A REMINDER! Please return consent form for 'Den Building Forest School Workshop' 30/6/17
Ymweliad a'r Parc - Dydd Llun 13/6/17 Visit to the park.
Cofiwch eich cot ac esgidiau addas! Please remember to bring your coat and appropriate footwear!
Heriau Dewch i Feddwl
Let's Think Challenges
Her Dewch i Feddwl 29/6/17 Let's Think Challenge
Her Dewch i Feddwl 15/6/17 Let's Think Challenge
Her Dewch i Feddwl 8/6/17 Let's Think Challenge
Gwaith Cartref Sillafu
Spelling Homework
Tymor yr Haf (i)
Summer Term (i)
Thema'r tymor: Un Tro...
This term's theme: Once Upon a Time...
Er gwybodaeth: Sesiynau Dysgu Croesi'r heol yn ddiogel yn cychwyn ar y 17eg o Fai
For your information: Kerbcraft Road Safety Sessions begin on the 17th May.
Ysgrifennu Gwych! Wonderful Writing!
Cawsom neges arbennig yn ddiweddar gan Superted. Roedd wedi ysgrifennu portread gwych o archarwr newydd o'r enw Cai Curyll. Yna, cawsom neges arbennig gan Cai Curyll yn gofyn i ni i ysgrifennu disgrifiad o'n archarwyr dychmygol ni! Aethom ati ar unwaith i ysgrifennu!
We had a special message from Superted recently. He had written a fantastic portrait of 'Cai Curyll', a new superhero. Then, we had another message - from Cai Curyll this time, asking us to write descriptions of our imaginary Superheroes! We couldn't wait to begin writing!
Heriau Dewch i Feddwl
Let's Think Challenges
Gwaith Cartref Sillafu
Spelling Homework
Tymor y Gwanwyn (ii) 2017
Spring Term (ii) 2017
Thema'r Hanner Tymor:
This Term's Theme:
Cyflwyniad Comics Archarwyr! Superhero Comic Presentation!
Llawer o ddiolch i Mr Besley ac Alexander am ddod i wneud cyflwyniad ynglŷn â chomics archarwyr i ni. Roedd yn fore hynod o ddiddorol ac rydyn ni i gyd yn ysu i fyd ati i greu comic ein hunain nawr!
A big thank you to Mr Besley and Alexander for giving us a presentation about Superhero Comics. It was a very interesting morning and we're all now very eager to create our own comics!
Supertaten i'r adwy! Supertato to the rescue!
Rydyn wedi mwynhau clywed am anturiaethau Supertaten yn yr archfarchnad! Dyma luniau rhai o'i ffrindiau! We've enjoyed hearing about Supertato's adventures at the supermarket! Here are some pictures of his superhero friends!
Heriau Dewch i Feddwl
Let's Think Challenges
Gwaith Cartref Sillafu
Spelling Homework
Tymor y Gwanwyn (i) 2017
Spring Term (i) 2017
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi gyd!
A Happy New Year to you all!
Thema'r hanner tymor yw 'Cerddorfa.' Edrychwn ymlaen at dymor cerddorol a swnllyd iawn!
This half term's theme is 'Orchestra.' We look forward to a very musical and noisy half term!
Bore bendigedig yn cyflwyno ein cerddoriaeth, barddoniaeth ac offerynnau i blant y Cyfnod Sylfaen! Da iawn bawb!
A lovely morning presenting our music, poetry and instruments to Foundation Phase pupils! Well done!
Newyddion Cyffrous! Exciting News!
Cawsom e-bost wrth Dona Direidi yn gofyn i ni gasglu gwybodaeth a danfon y canlyniadau iddi. Gofynnodd 5 gwestiwn i ni am offerynnau ac am gyfansoddiad 'Pedr a'r Blaidd!' Buom yn brysur yn holi ein gilydd cyn creu graffiau a dehongli'r canlyniadau!
We had an email from Dona Direidi asking us to collect information and to send her the results. She asked us five questions about instruments and about Prokofiev's 'Peter and the Wolf' composition. We've been busy asking each other questions, creating graphs and analysing the information!
Pedr a'r Blaidd / Peter and the Wolf
Rydyn wedi bod yn gwrando ar gyfansoddiad 'Pedr a'r Blaidd' gan Sergei Prokofiev. Rydyn ni hefyd wedi mwynhau adrodd y stori gan ddefnyddio map stori a symudiadau i'n helpu!
We've been listening to Sergei Prokofiev's 'Peter and the Wolf' composition. We've also enjoyed re-telling the story using actions and a story map to help us!
Gwaith Cartref Sillafu
Spelling Homework
Heriau Dewch i Feddwl! Let's Think Challenges!
Beth am roi cynnig ar rai o'r heriau yma?
What about trying out these challenges?
Thema'r hanner tymor:
Cofiwch, Cofiwch!
This half term's theme:
Remember, Remember!
Gwaith Cartref Sillafu
Spelling Homework
Heriau Dewch i Feddwl!
Beth am roi cynnig ar rai o'r heriau yma?
What about trying out these challenges?
Her 3/11/16 Challenge
Her rhyngweithiol i chi yr wythnos hon!
Tymor yr Hydref 2016 (i)
Autumn Term 2016 (i)
Thema'r hanner tymor: Archfarchnad
This half term's theme: Supermarket
Argyfwng! Fedrwn ni helpu?
Emergency! Can we help?
Cawsom neges fideo oddi wrth reolwraig yr archfarchnad yn galw am gymorth! Roedd yr holl lolipops yn y siop wedi ymdoddi a'r siocledi wedi eu difetha! Nid oedd angen poeni oherwydd aethom ati ar unwaith i gynllunio a chreu cynnyrch bendigedig i'w gwerthu yn y siop! Blwyddyn 2 i'r adwy!
We received a video message from the supermarket manager asking for our help! All the lollypops in the store had melted and the chocolate bars had spoilt. There was no need to worry because we immediately began to design and create some lovely products to be sold in the shop! Year 2 to the rescue!
Dathlu Diwrnod T.Llew Jones
Celebrating T.Llew Jones Day
Cliciwch at y ddolen isod i weld ein cerdd! Click on the link below to see our poem!
Newid Deunyddiau! Changing Materials!
Ymddangosodd llythyr yn y dosbarth heddiw yn cynnwys cyfarwyddiadau i'w dilyn er mwyn creu cacennau crispi a siapau iâ! Roedd yn ddiddorol iawn i weld sut yr oedd y deunyddiau yn newid wrth gael eu hoeri a'u gwresogi!
We received an envelope today containing instructions on how to make rice krispie cakes and ice shapes. It was very interesting to see how these materials changed when heated and cooled.
Celf Bop! Pop Art!
Dyma ni'n mwynhau astudio gwaith yr arlunydd Andy Warhol! Here are a few pictures of us studying Andy warhol's work!
Joio gwneud jeli!
Dyma ni'n mwynhau dysgu am sut y mae deunyddiau'n newid ac yn dilyn cyfarwyddiadau i greu jeli!
Here we are learning about how materials change and following instructions to make jelly!
Dysgu am ddeunyddiau pecynnu bwyd / Learning about food packaging materials
Cawsom fore bendigedig yn yr Uplands! Buom yn dditectifs archfarchnad!
We had a lovely morning in the Uplands! We enjoyed being supermarket detectives!
Penblwydd Roald Dahl / Roald Dahl's Birthday
Dyma ni'n mwynhau dathlu Diwrnod Roald Dahl ar Fedi'r 13eg! Cawsom gyfle i wneud llu o weithgareddau amrywiol, a mwynhau gwisgo fel ein hoff gymeriadau. 'Matilda' oedd y dewis mwyaf poblogaidd!
Here we are celebrating Roald Dahl's day on the 13th September. We had the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities and to dress up as a favourite character. The most popular costume choice was Matilda!
Gwersi Datblygiad Corfforol - dydd Mercher a dydd Iau. Cofiwch ddod â'ch gwisg!
Physical Development lessons - Wednesday and Thursday. Please bring your kit to school!
Gwaith Cartref Sillafu
Spelling Homework
Cewch restr o eiriau ar Ddydd Gwener i'w dysgu erbyn y dydd Gwener canlynol.
A list of words will be given on Friday to learn by the following Friday.
Heriau Dewch i Feddwl!
Let's Think Challenges!
Beth am roi cynnig ar rai o'r heriau yma?
What about trying out these challenges?
Her Dewch i Feddwl 13/10/16 Let's Think Challenge
Gweithgaredd rhyngweithiol i chi yr wythnos hon!
An interactive challenge this week:
Adnoddau Defnyddiol / Useful Resources
Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod i ddarganfod mwy o adnoddau defnyddiol.
Click on the link below to find more useful resources.