Ar ran plant y dosbarth, dymunwn Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi gyd!
On behalf of the Yr.5 children, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!
13.12.16 - Mwy o luniau o'r prynhawn gwerthu bomiau bath a chacennau. Llwyddodd Bl.5 a 6 gyda'i gilydd i wneud elw o ychydig dros £500, sy'n swm anhygoel! Dwi'n siwr y gallwn ddatgelu'r cyfanswm union cyn hir. Diolch i bawb ddaeth i gefnogi'r dosbarthiadau. Gweithiodd y plant yn galed dros ben.
13.12.16 - Here are some more pictures of the bath bombs and cakes sale. Yr.5 and 6 managed to make a spectacular profit of over £500! I'm sure we will be able to confirm the exact amount very soon. Thank you to everyone who supported the classes. The children worked hard.
13.12.16 - Mae'r holl baratoi drosodd! Heddiw yw diwrnod mawr y stondinau gwerthu bomiau bath a chacennau. Mae'r plant wedi bod yn brysur dros yr wythnos ddiwethaf yn cymysgu, creu, pecynnu, hysbysebu a choginio. Gobeithiwn eich gweld yma, ond os na welwn ni chi, dyma rai lluniau o'u gwaith. Pwy fydd y grwp wnaiff y mwyaf o elw?
13.12.16 - The preparation work is over! Today is the big day - the day of the bath bomb and cake stalls. The children have been busy during the week mixing, creating, packaging, advertising and cooking. We hope to see you here, but if we don't see you, here are a few photos of their work. Which group will make he most profit?
8.11.16 Gwnaeth plant Bl.5 a 6 fwynhau eu hymweliad â Theatr Dylan Thomas heddiw i weld perfformiad Theatr Na Nog o 'Ysbryd y Pwll'. Cafwyd cyfle i holi'r actorion ar ddiwedd y perfformiad. Wedi hynny, roedd y disgyblion wedi cwblhau amrywiaeth o weithgareddau yn Amgueddfa y Glannau ac Amgueddfa Abertawe.
8.11.16 Year 5 and 6 pupils enjoyed visiting the Dylan Thomas Theatre today to see Theatre Na Nog's production of 'The Ghost of Morfa'. There was an opportunity to quiz the actors at the end of the performance. After that, the children completed a variety of activities at Swansea Museum and the Waterfront Museum.
14.10.16 Ymweliad Bl.5 a 6 i Amgueddfa 1940au Abertawe - Heddiw, gwnaeth y plant fwynhau mas draw yn mynd yn ôl mewn amser i 40au'r ganrif ddiwethaf. Dysgodd y plant am fywyd yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd trwy wisgo dillad o'r cyfnod, grwydo stryd ddychmygol o siopau a thai, edrych ar glipiau ffilm newyddion, gwblhau cwis a gweld arteffactau diddorol. Diolch yn fawr i'r rhieni ddaeth i helpu gyda'r ymweliad. Edrychwch ar ein galeri o luniau o'r dydd.
14.10.16 Swansea 1940's Museum Visit - Today, the children thoroughly enjoyed travelling back in tme to the 1940's. They learned about the Second World War by dressing up, walking through an imaginary street of shops and houses, watching news reel clips, answering a quiz and seeing interesting artefacts. Many thanks to the parents who came to help with the visit. Take a look at our gallery.
11.10.16 Bu'r plant yn mwynhau y gweithdy Mad Science diweddaraf, gan edrych ar olau a lliw. Gwnaeth pawb ddathlu Diwrnod T. Llew Jones drwy gydweithio gyda holl ddisgyblion yr ysgol i greu cerdd fawr o dan deitl 'Misoedd y Flwyddyn'. Mis Mehefin a mis Mawrth oedd ffocws Blwyddyn 5.
11.10.16 The children enjoyed the latest Mad Science workshop, studying light and colour. Everybody celebrated T. Llew Jones day by working together as a whole school to re-create a poen titled 'Months of the Year'. Year 5 worked on months March and June.
29.9.16 - Mae wedi bod yn ddechrau prysur i'r flwyddyn! Yn barod, mae'r plant wedi dechrau gweithdai gwyddonol 'Mad Science' ac wedi gweld cyflwyniad rhifedd yn seiliedig ar hanes Robert Record. Yn ogystal â hyn, bum yn dathlu diwrnod Roald Dahl trwy wisgo fel cymeriadau ei straeon. Dyma rai lluniau o brofiadau mis Medi.
29.9.16 - It has been a very busy start to the year! Already, the children have begun the 'Mad Science' workshops and have seen a numeracy presentation based on Robert Record's history. In addition to this, we celebrated Roald Dahl's centenary by dressing up as one of his fictional characters. Here are some pictures of September's experiences.