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Cliciwch yma / Click here 6/01/21 - 15/01/21

Helfa Adar gyda Mrs Williams /Bird Spotting with Mrs Williams

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Mae'r daflen i gofnodi wedi'i rhannu ar Hwb/ The recording sheet has been shared on Hwb.


Gwyliwch y fideo ac yna rhowch gynnig ar y gweithgaredd ar Hwb.

Watch the video and then have a go at the activity on Hwb.

Podelediadau Tric a Chlic Podcasts, CAM 1 Glas, sain 'n'

Blwyddyn 1/Year 1

Gwyliwch y fideo ac yna rhowch gynnig ar y gweithgaredd ar Hwb.

Watch the video and then have a go at the activity on Hwb.


Podlediadau Tric a Chlic, CAM 2 HUFEN, Sesiwn 2

Cofiwch bydd angen darn o bapur a phensil! Remember you will need paper and a pencil!

Dewch i gadw'n gynnes gyda Miss Griffiths! Keep warm with Miss Griffiths!

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Chwarae Cuddio gyda Robin Goch/Hide and Seek with Robin

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Mae gallu cyfrif ymlaen ac yn ôl yn bwysig ym Mathemateg. Ydych chi'n gallu adrodd rhifau ymlaen ac yn ôl hyd at 20?

Neu beth am gyfrif fesul 2, 10 neu 5 wrth chwarae'r gêm?


Being able to count forwards and backwards is important in Mathematics. Can you recite numbers forwards and backwards up to 20?

Or have a go at counting in 2s, 10s or 5s when you play the game.


Mae cyfarwyddiadau sut i chwarae wedi'u rhannu ar Hwb.

Ar ôl chwarae'r gêm, beth am fynd ati i dynnu llun ac ysgrifennu brawddeg am Robin Goch yn cuddio?


You will find 'how to play' instructions on Hwb.

After playing the game, have a go at drawing a picture and writing a sentence about Robin playing Hide and Seek.

Tynnu Llun gyda Mr Jones/ Drawing with Mr Jones

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Mae taflen hawdd 'Sut i dynnu llun Robin Goch' wedi'u rhannu ar Hwb.

Find an easy 'How to draw a Robin' sheet on Hwb.

Arbrawf Iâ Mrs Jones/ Mrs Jones' Ice Experiment

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Amser Stori/Story Time

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Amser Barddoniaeth/ Poem Time

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Y Robin Goch /The Robin

Wyddoch chi fy mod i'n hoffi bwyta mwydod? Gallwch glywed fy ngân yn ystod y gaeaf a'r gwanwyn. Fel arfer rwyf wrth fy modd ar ben fy hun yn yr ardd.
Did you know that I like to eat worms? You can hear me sing in the winter and in the spring. You will usually see me on my own in the garden.

Creu Gorsaf Bwydo Adar/Make a Bird Feeding Station

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Llythyr Blwyddyn Un / Year One Letter 6/01/21

Llythyr Derbyn / Reception Letter 6/01/21

Amser Stori 1/ Story Time 1

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Beth am fynd ati i ymarfer eich sgiliau torri with greu plu eira? Mae cyfarwyddiadau ar Hwb.

What about practising your cutting skills and make your own snowflakes? You'll find instructions on Hwb.

Cân Dawns y Plu Eira Cyw/ The Snowflake Dance Song

Dewch i ganu a dawnsio! Let's sing and dance!

Amser Stori 2 / Story Time 2

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Helfa Natur y Gaeaf/ A Winter Nature Hunt

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Mae 'na daflen i chi yn J2pdf i gofnodi beth welwch chi. / There's a sheet to record your findings in J2pdf. 

Y Tymhorau/ The Seasons

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Fedrwch chi gofio enwau'r pedwar tymor? Can you remember the names of the four seasons?  

Cân y Tymhorau | Cyw's Seasons Song

Beth am fynd ati i ddarganfod mwy am y tymhorau? Have a go at finding out more about the seasons.



Gwyliwch y fideo ac yna rhowch gynnig ar y gweithgaredd ar Hwb.

Watch the video and then have a go at the activity on Hwb.


Podlediadau Tric a Chlic Podcasts, CAM 1 GLAS, sain 'th'

Blwyddyn 1/ Year 1

Gwyliwch y fideo ac yna rhowch gynnig ar y gweithgaredd ar Hwb.

Watch the video and then have a go at the activity on Hwb.

Podlediadau Tric a Chlic, CAM 2 HUFEN, Sesiwn 1

Bydd angen papur a phensil arnoch ar gyfer y gweithgaredd hwn.
You will need paper and a pencil for this activity.