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Dyma ni! Aelodau’r Pwyllgor Cymreictod 2024-2025 Welsh Language Committee Members

Diwrnod Shw’ Mae Sut Mae? 15/10/24

 Diolch i’r Pwyllgor Cymreictod am hyrwyddo’r  Gymraeg yn yr ysgol ac yn y gymuned! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿❤️Thank you to the Welsh Language Committee for their work today in promoting the Welsh Language in school and in the community! 

Shw’ Mae!

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Llythyr i'r rhieni ar Ddiwrnod Shw Mae - Letter to parents

Dathlu Diwrnod T Llew Jones 11/10/24 Celebrating T Llew Jones Day

Y Pwyllgor Cymreictod yn derbyn eu disgrifiadau swydd / The Welsh Language Committee receiving their job descriptions

Welsh language Charter Framework / Siarter Iaith (with subtitles)

An introduction to the Welsh Language Charter Framework.


Dyma’r Pwyllgor Cymreictod! The Welsh Language Committee 2023-2024

Dyma ein targedau ar gyfer eleni / Here are our targets for the coming year

Dyma gân newydd gan Eden, Band y Mis!  This month's band have released a new song! "Caredig"

Dyma’r Pwyllgor Cymreictod yn atgoffa pawb o’n targedau yn ystod y gwasanaeth / The Welsh language committee reminding us of our targets during assembly! Da iawn chi!

Disgo Ynni Da i ddathlu diwedd y tymor! 🎶🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Let’s celebrate the end of term with a disco on the yard!

Fideo gyda geiriau. Wedi'i ei olygu gan Wil Wiliams.

Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen Hapus i bawb! Happy St Dwynwen's Day!

Llythyr i'r rhieni - Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen Letter to parents

Stori Santes Dwynwen

Voiceover in Welsh and English for the Story of Santes Dwynwen.

Diolch i Bethany a Darcy am eu gwaith caled! Beth yw hoff gân Nadoligaidd plant Bryn y Môr tybed? 🎄What are our favourite Christmas songs?

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Dathlu Diwrnod Shw Mae Day

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Dyma ein cerdd fawr i ddathlu Diwrnod T Llew Jones 2023! Here is our school poem which we wrote to celebrate T Llew Jones Day!

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Diweddglo gwych i’r flwyddyn! Balch iawn o gyhoeddi ein bod wedi ennill Gwobr Arian y Siarter Iaith! Diolch i bawb am eu gwaith caled. Ymlaen i’r Aur nawr! 

What a fantastic way to end the year! Very proud to announce that we have won the Silver Language Charter Award! Thanks to everyone for their hard work. Onwards towards the Gold now!

Am flwyddyn brysur! Dyma flas o waith y Pwyllgor Cymreictod eleni. Da iawn bawb! What a busy year! Here’s a taste of the Welsh language Committee’s work. Well done!

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Dyma ni! Y Pwyllgor Cymreictod! / The Welsh Language Committee! Watch the video to learn more about our work!

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Y Pwyllgor Cymreictod 2022-2023 The Welsh Language Committee

Mwynhau gig Candelas! 4/7/23

Dathlu Dydd Miwsig Cymru 2023 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿Welsh Language Music Day 2023

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Jambori gyda Siani Sionc

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Joio yn y Jambori! Canu Yma o Hyd gyda Dafydd Iwan!

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Fideo Siarter Iaith Cymraeg gydag is deitlau Saesneg

Uploaded by N Owen on 2021-10-05.

Dewch i ddysgu Anthem Genedlaethol Cymru

Band y Mis / This Month's Band

Poster Cymraeg Cywir yr Wythnos / This week's 'Cymraeg Cywir Poster'

Testun Trafod yr Wythnos / This Week's Talk Topic

Dydd Miwsig Cymru 2020 / Welsh language music day 2020

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Beth yw Tafod Tawe? What is Tafod Tawe?  


Ar Fedi 16eg 2016, lansiwyd Siarter Iaith ysgolion Cymraeg Mamiaith Abertawe, sef Tafod Tawe.

Pwrpas a nod Tafod Tawe yw ysbrydoli plant a phobl ifanc Abertawe i ddefnyddio’u Cymraeg ym mhob agwedd o’u bywydau a gwneud iddynt sylweddoli bod manteision addysgol, cymdeithasol, economaidd a diwylliannol wrth siarad Cymraeg a bod yn ddwyieithog.

Cofiwch ymweld â’r dudalen hon yn gyson er mwyn gweld rhai o’r gweithgareddau sy’n digwydd yn Ysgol Gymraeg Bryn y Môr.


On 16 September 2016, the Welsh charter for first language Welsh schools in Swansea, Tafod Tawe, was launched.

The purpose and aim of Tafod Tawe is to inspire children and young people in Swansea to use Welsh in every aspect of their lives and make them realise that there are benefits educationally, socially, economically and culturally, to speaking Welsh and being bilingual.

Visit this page regularly to see some of the activities that take place at Ysgol Bryn y Môr!


Diwrnod ‘Shwmae Su’mae’ 2019

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Diwrnod 'Shwmae! Su'mae' 2019 Day

Adnoddau i helpu rhieni i ddysgu Cymraeg / Resources to help parents learn to speak Welsh


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Rhan 2 / Part 2

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Cwis Llyfrau 2019: Cyfle gwych i gystadlu a chymdeithasu / Book Quiz: A great opportunity to compete and socializ.

Gweithdy a disgo Ynni Da 26/3/19 / Energy workshop and disco

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Gwaith Eisteddfod 2019 / Eisteddfod Work

Jocs Cymraeg / Welsh jokes

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Dydd Miwsig Cymru 2019 / Welsh language music day 2019

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Newyddion gwych! Mae YGG Bryn-y-Môr wedi ennill gwobr efydd Tafod Tawe. / Fantastic news. We have won the Bronze Tafod Tawe award. Arbennig!

6/12/17 Panto Culhwch ac Olwen

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Y lle gorau i mi fod erioed yw..... The best place I've ever been is.....

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Trafod ein Testun Trafod! Discussing our Talk Topic!

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Dyma ni'n trafod! Discussing our Talk Topic!

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Wythnos gyda Dewi'r Ddraig / A week with Dewi the Dragon

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Pwll Mawr/ Big Pit

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Llanfairpwllgwyngyll-dewch i ddysgu sut i ddweud enw y pentref hiraf ym Mhrydain / Llanfairpwllgwyngyll - come and learn how to say the name of the longest named village in Britain

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Hei Mr Urdd!!

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Diwrnod coch, gwyn, a gwyrdd. / Red, white and green day.

Hei Mr Urdd!

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Adolygiad o lyfr gan y Clwb Stori! A book review by the Story Club!

Diwrnod Cofio'r Holocost / Holocaust Memorial Day

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Sut i chwarae'r piano? / How to play the piano?

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Tynnu lluniau / Taking pictures

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Neidio'r clwydi / Jump the gates

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Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen Hapus. / Happy Saint Dwynwen's Day

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Dewch i ddysgu sut i blethu gwallt🤗 / Come learn how to plait hair

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Pacio perffaith / Perfect packing

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