Beth yw y 'Fframwaith Rhifedd'?
Dogfen yw'r Fframwaith Rhifedd sydd wedi cael ei ddatblygu i helpu i gyflawni nod Llywodraeth Cymru sef bod plant Cymru yn gallu datblygu sgiliau rhifedd ardderchog yn ystod eu cyfnod yn yr ysgol.
Mae'r Fframwaith yn nodi canlyniadau disgwyliedig blynyddol clir ym maes rhifedd i bob dysgwr rhwng 5 a 14 oed. Ceir disgrifiadau manwl o beth mae disgwyl i blentyn allu ei wneud ar flwyddyn arbennig yn ei addysg gynradd ac uwchradd o'r derbyn i flwyddyn 9. Bydd yr ysgol yn sicrhau bod y broses o addysgu sgiliau rhifedd wedi'i hymgorffori ym mhob pwnc ar draws y cwricwlwm yn hytrach na'i bod yn canolbwyntio ar wersi Mathemateg yn unig.
Caiff pob dysgwr ym mlwyddyn 2 hyd at 9 eu hasesu ym mis Mai gan ddefnyddio'r profion cenedlaethol. Bydd dau brawf rhifedd - un prawf ar waith rhif ac un ar ddatrys problemau mathemategol.
What is the 'National Numeracy Framework'?
It is a document that has been developed to help achieve the Welsh Government's aim that the children in Wales are able to develop excellent numercy skills during their time in school.
The Numeracy Framework identifies clear annual expected outcomes in numeracy for all learners aged 5-14. The Framework gives detailed descriptions of what is expected of pupils in a given year in primary and secondary school, from reception to year 9. Both primary and secondary schools will use the Framework to make sure that the teaching of numeracy skills is embedded in all subjects of the curriculum rather than focused on Maths lessons alone.
All learners in years 2 through to 9 will be assessed using the national tests. Pupils will sit two numeracy tests in May- one concentrating on general numeracy and one on solving mathematical problems.