Diolch i Donna am eich holl waith caled ac ymrwymiad i'r clwb ar ôl ysgol yn ystod y blynyddoedd. Bydd Clwb Gofal yn gweld eich eisiau.
Thank you Donna for all your hard work and commitment to the After school club during the years. Clwb Gofal will miss you.
Diolch yn fawr i @allstarsrich am y sesiwn griced arbennig ddoe i Flwyddyn 1,2 a 3! Pawb wedi mwynhau! Thank you to @allstarsrich for the excellent cricket taster session yesterday for Year 1,2 and 3! 🏏
Llongyfarchiadau i ddisgyblion yr ysgol sydd wedi cael eu gwobrwyo heddiw am bresenoldeb 100% hyd at 29/3/18. Diolch i Aled o'r co-op am ddarparu'r gwobrau!
Congratulations to the pupils that recieved rewards today for 100% attendace until 29/3/18. Well done to the pupils that recieved a certificate for 97% attendace. Thank you to Aled from the co-op for donating the prizes.
Murlun Ysgol. Diolch yn fawr i Miss Rhiannon Morgan sydd wedi gweithio gyda Chyngor yr Ysgol i gynllunio murlun lliwgar a thrawiadol ger y mynediad. Diolch i ddisgyblion Blwyddyn 3 a 4 am eu cyfraniad pwysig hwythau ac i’r rhieni hynny oedd wedi rhoi o’u hamser i helpu gyda’r prosiect.
School Mural. Many thanks to Miss Rhiannon Morgan who has worked with the School Council to plan a colorful and striking mural near the entrance of the school. Thanks to Year 3 and 4 pupils for their important contribution and to the parents who had given their time to help with the project.
Diolch i’r CRhA am brynu loceri i ddosbarthiadau’r Cyfnod Sylfaen. Mae’r plant wrth eu bodd â’r loceri lliwgar. Gobeithio y bydd llai o siwmperi ac eitemau coll yn y dyfodol!
Thank you to the PTA for purchasing new lockers for some of the Foundation Phase classes. The children are absolutely delighted with their new colourful storage area. Hopefully there will be fewer lost jumpers in the future!
Gweithdai Pêl-droed Noddedig Cafodd holl ddisgyblion yr ysgol lawer o hwyl yn ystod y ddau ddiwrnod o weithgareddau pêl-droed noddedig. Derbyniodd pob disgybl dystysgrif fel cydnabyddiaeth o’u hymdrechion. Diolch i bawb sydd wedi casglu arian i goffrau’r ysgol. Codwyd cyfanswm o dros £1,500.00. DIOLCH!
Sponsored Soccer Workshops All pupils had a lot of fun during the two days of sponsored football activities. They all received a certificate as recognition of their efforts. Thanks to everyone who collected money for the school. You raised over £1,500.00 for our school! DIOLCH!
Disgo Santes Dwynwen / Santes Dwynwen's Disco
Diolch yn fawr i’r CRhA am drefnu dau ddisgo ar gyfer holl ddisgyblion yr ysgol. Roedd y ddau ddisgo yn llwyddiant mawr a chodwyd cyfanswm o £350.00. Bwriedir trefnu ‘disco tawel’ hefyd er mwyn codi arian ar ddechrau tymor yr haf.
Thank you to the PTA for arranging two discos for all the school's pupils. Both discos were a great success and a total of £350.00 was raised. A 'quiet disco' to raise money is also planned for the summer term.
Sioe Nadolig yr Anifeiliaid gan flwyddyn 1 a 2. Perfformiad gwych! Da iawn chi blant!
Christmas with the Animals show, well done years 1 and 2! A fantastic performance!
Da iawn i blant Bl.5 wnaeth greu a chyflwyno gwybodaeth am y digartref a gwaith Shelter Cymru yn ein gwasanaeth y bore ma. / Well done Yr.5 pupils for their work giving information about the homeless and ShelterCymru in our school assembly this morning.
Bore bendigedig yn mwynhau panto 'Culhwch ac Olwen'. Diolch yn fawr i'r CRA.
We had a fantastic time watching the pantomime this morning. A big thank you to the PTA!
Perfformiad arbennig gan gôr yr ysgol heno. Fantastic performance by the school choir this evening in Pantygwydr. Arbennig, bawb! A diolch am weithio mor galed.
Diolch i Lee Trundle a Oli McBurnie o’r ‘Swans’ am helpu hyfforddi’r plant yn ystod wythnos ysgol iach.
Thank you to Lee Trundle and Oli McBurnie from the Swans for training with the children during our Healthy School week events.
Ein Llysgenhadon ifanc yn mwynhau dysgu sut i fod yn hyfforddwyr chwaraeon gwych yn yr LC2. Rydyn yn edrych ymlaen at eich syniadau i hyrwyddo chwaraeon yn yr ysgol.
Our young ambassadors enjoying learning how to become great sports coaches at the LC2. We are looking forward to hearing your training ideas on promoting sports in school
Diolch i bawb am eich cyfraniadau i Blant mewn Angen. Codwyd £275.65.
Thank you to everyone who have contributed to our Children in Need event which has raised £275.65.
Diolch yn fawr i Bethan o wasanaeth tân Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru am ddod draw i’r ysgol i drafod diogelwch noson Tân Gwyllt gyda’r disgyblion.
Thank you Bethan from Mid and West Fire and rescue service for coming to the school to discuss the importance of safety on bonfire night.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb sydd wedi cyfrannu tinau bwyd a rhoddion hael at y Banc Bwyd.
Ar gyfer y gwasanaeth diolchgarwch eleni, yn lle gofyn am gyfraniad ariannol, penderfynon ni ofyn am dinau bwyd ar gyfer banc bwyd lleol, fel gallwch werthfawrogi, bydd hwn yn help mawr i deuluoedd yr ardal sy'n gwerthfawrogi'n fawr.
Diolch yn fawr am eich cefnogaeth.
Thank you Mrs. Morris for teaching us about Swansea's foodbank today.
Thank you so much to everyone for your kindness who have donated to our food bank collection.
For Thanksgiving / Harvest this year, we decided to collect food tins, rather than ask for a donation of money. The tins will be donated to a local food bank and as you can appreciate, this will help many local families who im sure are very thankful for your support.
Thank you for your support.
Perfformiad hyfryd gan Gôr Bryn-y-Môr yn nathliad Mis Hanes pobl Dduon Cymru yng Nghaerdydd. Da iawn, blant, a diolch i Uzo am ein gwahodd. Well done, Bryn-y-Môr choir, for a great performance in the Black History awards in Cardiff today. Thank you, Uzo Iwobi for inviting us!