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Oriel / Gallery 2018-2019

Diolch i wirfoddolwyr ac aelodau o gymuned yr ysgol am ei gwaith caled yn datblygu gardd yr ysgol y tu ôl i  gaban ‘Awstralia’. Mae gwaith di-flino Mr John Thomas a’i wraig Ruth wedi sbardun criw o rieni ac aelodau o gymuned yr ysgol i drawsnewid llecyn diffaith a llwm i ardal werdd, lliwgar a deniadol sydd bellach yn cael ei ddefnyddio gan ddisgyblion yr ysgol. Coron ar yr holl waith caled oedd y cyhoeddiad bod yr ardd fach wedi ennill gwobr gymunedol mewn category arbennig fel yr ardd flaen gymunedol orau yn yr Uplands. Diolch i bawb o bedwar ban byd am gefnogi y fenter!


Thanks to volunteers and members of the school community for their hard work in developing the school garden behind the classroom known as ‘Awstralia’. The tireless work of Mr John Thomas and his wife Ruth prompted a group of parents and members of the school community to transform a derelict and bleak area into a green, colourful and attractive area now used by pupils at the school. The pinnacle was the announcement that the small garden had won a community award in a special category as the best community front garden in the Uplands. A big thank you to all involved from around the world!



Diwrnod parti  llawn sbort a sbri yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen! Pawb yn gwisgo oren ac yn mwynhau lolipops oren hefyd! Penblwydd Hapus Sali Mali! 

A fun-filled day celebrating Sali Mali’s birthday! Everyone wearing orange and enjoying an orange lollipop! Penblwydd hapus Sali Mali!

Penblwydd hapus Sali Mali

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Sali Mali, un, dau, tri,

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Mabolgampau Cyfnod Sylfaen 2019

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Parti Un tro....

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Am barti arbennig! Cerddoriaeth, gwisgoedd, addurniadau, bwyd, diod a gêmau! Hwyl a sbri! 🎉

A parti to remember! Music, costumes, decorations, food, drinks and games, We had a lovely time! 🎉


Diolch i rieni disgyblion Blwyddyn 6 ac i'r CRA am ein siwmperi newydd. / Thank you to the parents of Year 6 pupils and to the PTA for our new jumpers. 

Cystadleuaeth Hetiau Pasg / Easter Hat Competition

Llongyfarchiadau i bawb a Phasg Hapus i chi gyd!

Congratulations to everyone and a very Happy Easter to you all!


Diolch i Aled o 'Ynni Da' am ddiwrnod prysur a bywiog i godi ymwybodaeth o gerddoriaeth Cymraeg. Cyffrous iawn oedd gorfod pedlo beics i gynhyrchu trydan ar gyfer y disgo prynhawn yma!

Thanks to Aled from 'Ynni Da' for a busy and lively day to raise awareness of Welsh music. It was very exciting to have to pedal bikes to produce electricity for the disco this afternoon! 

Sosban Fach gan DJ SG

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Loris Mansel Davies gan Welsh Whisperer

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Sebona fi gan Yws Gwynedd

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Dathlu Dydd y Llyfr gyda Leon Britton a Courtney Baker-Richardson. / Celebrating World Book Day with a visit from Swanses City's Leon Britton a Courtney Baker-Richardson.

Y Seremoni Gadeirio! The Chairing of the Bard! Llongyfarchiadau mawr i chi!

A oes Heddwch?

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6/3/19 Eisteddfod Cyfnod Sylfaen

Côr Llwchwr

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Côr Tawe

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Côr Lliw

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Llongyfarchiadau i'r tîm nofio'r Urdd am berfformiad gwych! Llongyfarchiadau enfawr i A.G am ennill gwobr aur a gwobr arian yn y Gala Nofio. / Congratulations to the Urdd swimming team for a fantastic performance in the relay. Congratulations to A.G for winning a gold and silver medal in the Urdd swimming gala. 


Llongyfarchiadau i'r disgyblion a wnaeth ennill 100% presenoldeb yn ystod y tymor / Congratulations to the pupils who achieved 100% attendance during the term!


Ymdrech arbennig hefyd gan y disgyblion a wnaeth cyrraedd 97% presenoldeb neu mwy yn ystod y tymor! A great effort too to the pupils that achieved 97% attendance or more during the term!


Doedd dim llety ac roedd y stabl ym Methlehem yn gorlifo y bore ‘ma. 🎶😀
Perfformiad  arbennig gan y dosbarthiadau Meithrin a Derbyn.
Da iawn, blant a diolch i’r rhieni am eu holl gefnogaeth


Sioe “Dyma’r Baban!” gan fl 1 a 2. Perfformiad gwych! Da iawn bawb! 👏🏻Well done years 1 & 2! A fantastic performance!  Diolch i’r rhieni hefyd am eich cymorth. Thank you to the parents for providing the costumes and helping us walk to the chapel. Nadolig Llawen! 🎄 


Yn falch iawn o Gôr Bryn-y-Môr heno eto ym Mantygwydr. Well done, Bryn-y-Môr choir. A great ‘Carol Aid’ again this year. Diolch Pantygwydr 

Ffair Nadolig / Christmas fair 29/11/18


Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb am gefnogi ein Ffair Nadolig heno. Codwyd £2341.19, anhygoel! Diolch yn arbennig i Cathy Davies ac i aelodau ‘CRA’ am eu gwaith yn trefnu a chynnal y noson. Diolch hefyd i Lee Trundle a Leon Britton o'r Elyrch am agor y ffair.

Thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas Fair tonight. We raised an amazing £2341.19! A big thank you in particular to Cathy Davies and members of the 'PTA’ for all their work in organising the event and for their work during the evening. Thank you too to Lee Trundle and Leon Britton from the Swans for opening the Christmas fair.


Pawb wedi mwynhau Yr Hugan Fach Goch gan @ShermanTheatre y prynhawn ‘ma! Diolch yn fawr i’r CRA!

We all enjoyed this afternoon’s performance @TheWelfare1A big thank you to the PTA


Prynhawn o hwyl a bwrlwm yn gweithio gyda Casia Wiliam yn creu ein cerdd ysgol newydd. Diolch yn fawr iawn. BarddPlant. / A fun but productive afternoon, working with Casia Wiliam on our new school poem. Thank you so much, Bardd Plant.


Plant Mewn Angen 2018 Children In Need

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Llongyfarchiadau i'r holl blant a wnaeth cymryd rhan yn y 'Cystadleuaeth Cacennau Campus'. Pawb wedi ymdrechu’n galed. Dyma’r canlyniadau:- / Congratulations to all the children who took part in the 'Spotty bake off'. Everyone made a fantastic effort! Here are the results:-

Cyflwyniad/Presentation                   Ymdrech caled/Great effort

1af- Bella Jelf Jones.                         1af-Betsan Tagg

2ail- Harvey Sullivan.                         2ail-Thom Wilson

3ydd-Abbigail Jones.                          3ydd-Otto



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Diwrnod T Llew Jones 2018 / T Llew Jones Day 2018

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Her y Gerdd Fawr- Lliwiau