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Blwyddyn 2/Year 2 - Mrs C Williams

Croeso i Ddosbarth Bl. 2
Mrs C. Williams
a Mrs Bevan

 Dilynwch ni ar Trydar
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Gwersi Datblygiad Corfforol: Dydd Llun a Dydd Mercher

Physical Development Lessons: Monday and Wednesday

Thema'r tymor: Cuddfannau a Dant y Llew

This half term's theme: Dens and Dandelions

Tymor yr Haf (ii)

Summer Term (ii)


Taith i'r parc 2/7/19 Visit to Singleton Park

Cofiwch ddychwelyd y ffurflen ganiatad! 

Please return consent form a.s.a.p!

Dyma ein syniadau ar gyfer y tymor! / Here are some of our ideas about what we'd like to learn about this term!

Rhagflas y tymor / An overview of this term's work

Parti yn yr ardd! Hwyl a sbri! / It’s party time!

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Joio stori yn yr ardd fach!🌞Enjoying a story in the garden!

Waw! Mae’r goedwig law yn le anhygoel!

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Wow! The rainforest is an amazing place!

Gwyliwch ein rhaglen deledu am y goedwig law!

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Watch our TV programme about the rainforest!

Ffeithiau Ffantastig!

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Fantastic Facts!

Ein Rhaglen Natur!

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Our Nature Programme!

Ffeithiau diddorol!

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Interesting facts!

Efelychu gwaith yr arlunydd Henri Rousseau - lluniau hyfryd o’r goedwig law! Emulating the style of Henri Rousseau - lovely pictures of the rain forest!

Gweithgareddau Ysgol Goedwig yn y parc / Forest School activities at the park

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Bore bendigedig yn creu cuddfannau yn y parc! / A lovely morning making dens in the park!

Diolch o galon i Mr a Mrs Thomas ( Tadcu a Mamgu Hedd) am eu gwaith caled yn yr ardd! A massive thank you to Mr and Mrs Thomas (Hedd’s Grandparents) for their hard work in transforming the garden!

Diolch am gefnogi ein stondin yn y Ffair Haf! Thank you for supporting our stall at the Summer Fair!

Rydyn ni wedi mwynhau astudio stori ‘Yr Adar Bach’ sef stori draddodiadol Fwslimaidd.

We’ve enjoyed studying ‘The Baby Birds’ a traditional Muslim story.

Hoffech chi glywed y stori? Would you like to hear the story?

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Gwaith codio sy’n cyfleu’r neges yn y stori / An example of coding work that shows the message of the story

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Gan Isaac a Riley 👏🏻

Prynhawn yn y parc! An afternoon at the park!

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Prynhawn o hwyl ac ymchwilio yn y parc!

Hoffech chi ddysgu ychydig o ffeithiau? Would you like to learn some new facts?

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Creu ffeil-o-ffeithiau / Creating fact files

Mwynhau’r thema! Enjoying our new theme!

Dewch i ymchwilio! Let’s explore!

Mae ein cuddfan yn y goedwig yn barod i'w defnyddio!! Our hideaway in the woods is ready for use!

Hwyl yn dosbarthu anifeiliaid a bwystfilod bach y goedwig! Sorting woodland animals and minibeasts!

Diwrnod Rhifedd! Am hwyl a sbri! A fun filled numeracy day!

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Mabolgampau'r Cyfnod Sylfaen

Foundation Phase Sports Day 

Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod / Click on link below

 Gwaith Cartref Sillafu   

Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 28/6/19 Spelling Homework

Tymor yr Haf (i)

Summer Term (i)

Thema'r tymor: 'Un Tro...'

This term's theme: 'Once Upon a Time...'

Rhagflas o weithgareddau'r tymor / An overview of this term's work:

Mae’n amser parti! It’s party time!

Dyma ein gwahoddiadau ar gyfer parti ‘Un Tro!’ / Here are some of the invitations we made for our ‘Once Upon a Time’ party!

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Gwahoddiadau hyfryd! Our lovely invitations!

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Mwy o wahoddiadau! More invitations!

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Dewch i’r parti! Come to the party?

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Stori Cantre’r Gwaelod

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Cynllunio ein gwahoddiadau! Planning our invitations!

Gwahoddiad i Ddathliad Diwedd Tymor 'Un Tro...!' / An invitation to our end of term 'Once Upon a Time...' celebration!

Sesiwn 'Ymddygiad Cywir ac Anghywir' gyda PC Hughes / Learning about 'Appropriate and Inappropriate Behaviour' with PC Hughes

Rydym yn y broses o sefydlu cornel chwarae 'Un Tro...' Os oes gennych unrhyw ddillad gwisgo lan neu adnoddau nad ydych eu hangen mwyach, fe fyddem yn ddiolchgar iawn i'w derbyn. Dioch eto am eich cyd-weithrediad.


We are in the process of creating a 'Once Upon a Time...' role-play corner. If you have any dressing up clothes or small-world play resources that you no longer need, we would be very grateful to receive any unwanted items. Thank you very much for your co-operation once again.

 Her Dewch i Feddwl 

Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 16/05/19 Let's Think Challenge

 Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 

Spelling Homework

Gwaith cartref Sillafu 17/5/19 Spelling Homework


Tymor y Gwanwyn (ii) 2019

Spring Term (ii) 2019

Thema: Archarwyr

This term's theme: Superheroes


Rhagflas o weithgareddau'r tymor / An overview of this term's work

Pasg Hapus i bawb!

Pasg Hapus!

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Y Pasg / Easter

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Grwp Luigi Lemwn

Y Pasg / Easter

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Grwp Oriol Oren

Cyflwyno gwybodaeth am y Pasg / Presenting Information about Easter

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Grwp Matilda Tomato

Dysgu am y Pasg / Learning about Easter

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Grwp Aled Afal

Y Pasg / Easter

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Grwp Ana Banana

Gweithgareddau’r Pasg / Easter Activities

Dysgu sgiliau animeiddio! Learning Animation Skills!

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Animeiddiad hyfryd gan Islay

Superted i'r adwy! Superted to the rescue!

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Gwaith arbennig gan Ruben

'Hedd Hofran' yr archarwr dewr! 'Hedd Hofran' the brave superhero!

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Campus Hedd!

Gwaith Cydweithio Arbennig / Excellent Collaborative work

Rydym wedi bod yn cydweithio gan ddefnyddio J2e ar HWB i greu llyfrau er mwyn atgoffa pawb ynglŷn â sut i gadw'n iach! Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod i weld esiampl.


We have been working collaboratively using J2e on HWB to create books on the theme of keeping ourselves healthy. Click on the link below to see an example.

Dysgu am bwysigrwydd bwyta diet gytbwys a chynllunio picnic iachus i Superted a'r archarwyr! Learning about the importance of eating a balanced diet before planning a healthy picnic for Superted and his friends!

Sul y Mamau Hapus! Happy Mothering Sunday!


Cawsom neges frys gan Superted yn gofyn am gymorth! Aethom ati ar frys i greu archarwyr i'w helpu!

We had an urgent message from Superted asking for help! We created our own superheroes to help him!

Dyma rai o ffrindiau Supertaten! Here are some of Supertato’s friends!

Croeso i ffau’r Archarwyr! Welcome to our Superhero den!

Diwrnod y Llyfr 2019 / World Book Day 2019

 Her Dewch i Feddwl 

Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 11/4/19 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 4/4/19 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 28/3/19 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 21/3/19 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 14/3/19 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 7/3/19 Let's Think Challenge

 Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 

Spelling Homework

Ni fydd prawf sillafu ar y 12/4/19 - There will be no spelling test on the 12/4/19

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 29/3/19 Let's Think Challenge

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 22/3/19 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 15/3/19 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu Mawrth 8/3/19 Spelling Homework


Tymor y Gwanwyn (i) 2019

Spring Term (i)  2019

Thema'r tymor: Cerddorfa

This term's theme: Orchestra

Rhagflas o weithgareddau'r tymor / An overview of this term's work:

Cystadleuaeth Dydd Gwyl Dewi / St Davis's Day Competition

Mae’r gerddorfa ar y llwyfan...🎶👏🏻

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Dysgu am ddiogelwch tân / Learning about fire safety

Ymweliad diddorol iawn ag Eglwys Sant Gabriel / A very interesting visit to St Gabriel’s Church

Ymweliad ag Eglwys Sant Gabriel 19/2/19 y.p. Mae angen cymorth i gerdded i'r eglwys os gwelwch yn dda.

Visit to St Gabriel's Church - 19/2/19 - p.m. Help needed to walk to the church please.

Dysgu am y sacsoffôn gyda Hannah! Learning about the saxophone with Hannah!

Beth am ychydig o gerddoriaeth jazz? Would you like to hear some jazz?

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Dewch i arbrofi! Let’s investigate!

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Edrychwch ar hyn! Take a look at this!

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Dyna hwyl!

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Edrychwch ar y band elastig yn dirgrynu! Notice how the elastic band vibrates 🎶

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Edrychwch ar yr offerynnau anhygoel! Diolch i bawb am eich gwaith caled! Take a look at our incredible instruments! Thank you all for your hard work!

Dydd Miwsig Cymru 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Welsh Language Music Day

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Mae’n ddiwrnod Defnyddio’r Rhyngrwyd yn fwy diogel ar y 5/2/19 - It’s Safer Internet Day on the 5/2/19

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Amser sgrïn / Screen time

Cydbwysedd rhwng amser sgîn a gweithgareddau eraill / A balance between screen time and other activities

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Dangos parch i eraill / Show respect towards others

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Defnyddio apiau a gwefannau addas / Use suitable apps and websites

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Cadwch eich gwybodaeth bersonol yn breifat / Keep your personal information private

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Posteri defnyddio’r rhyngrwyd yn ddiogel / Posters to promote safe use of the internet

Ffeithiau am Karl Jenkins / Facts about Karl Jenkins

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Mwy o ffeithiau / More facts

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Karl Jenkins

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Karl Jenkins

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Karl Jenkins

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Rydyn ni’n medru cyfansoddi! Sgôr graffig o stori Santes Dwynwen 🎶 We are composers! Here are our graphic scores based on the story of St Dwynwen.

Dysgu am y gitâr trydan! Diolch yn fawr i dad Gwennan!🎸 We enjoyed learning about the electric guitar with Gwennan’s dad!

❤️ Dathlu Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen! Celebrating St Dwynwen’s Day ❤️

Rhan 1af stori Santes Dwynwen ❤️ The 1st part of St Dwynwen’s story

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Dysgu strategaethau adio! / Learning strategies to help with addition!

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Tric adio 9! Here’s our ‘trick’ to help with adding 9 to any number!

Adio 11

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Adio 19

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❤️ Mae Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen yn agosáu! It’s almost St Dwynwen’s Day! ❤️

Mwynhau astudio ‘Pedr a’r Blaidd’

’Peter and the Wolf’

Cyfansoddi gyda ap ‘Garage Band / Using ‘ Garage Band’ app to compose

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Y Blaidd/ The Wolf

Y Blaidd / The Wolf

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Pedr / Peter

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Y stori / The story

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Pedr a’r Blaidd / Peter and the Wolf

Un tro, amser maith yn ôl... / Once upon a time...

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Tasg Cyswllt Cartref 

Home/School Task

Mae’r Stiwdio Gerdd ar agor!

Our Music Studio is now open!

 Gwaith Cartref Sillafu  

Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 8/2/19 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 1/2/19 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 25/1/19 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 18/1/19 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 11/1/19 Spelling Homework

 Her Dewch i Feddwl 

Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 14/2/19 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 7/2/19 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 24/1/19 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 10/1/19 Let's Think Challenge


Tymor yr Hydref (ii)

Autumn Term (ii)

Thema'r hanner tymor: Tân!

This term's theme: Fire!


Braslun o weithgareddau'r tymor / An overview of this term's work

Nadolig Llawen!

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Mae’n amser parti! 🎉It’s party time!

Pwy sy’n dŵad dros y bryn...?

Dewch i ddarllen am hanes Stori’r Geni / Read our stories about the First Christmas

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Y Nadolig Cyntaf / The First Christmas

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Geni’r Iesu

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Y Nadolig Cyntaf

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Y Baban Bach Arbennig

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Hwyl yr Ŵyl! Festive Fun! 🎄

Adolygiad o sioe theatr Yr Hugan Fach Goch / Review of Yr Hugan Fach Goch theatre production

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Dewch i wrando ar ein straeon antur! Listen to our adventure stories!

Norman Preis a’r barcud!

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Norman gwyllt!

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Antur y selsig!

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Norman ar y to!

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Norman Preis a’r matsys!

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Gorsaf Dân Sgeti / Sketty Fire Station

Ymweliad ag Orsaf Dân Sgeti 23/11/18 1:30 y.p.

Visit to Sketty Fire Station  23/11/18 1:30 p.m

Mwynhau datblygu ein sgiliau gwnïo a pharatoi ar gyfer y Ffair Nadolig! Developing our sewing skills and preparing towards the Christmas Fair! 🎄

Diwrnod Plant Mewn Angen / Children in Need Day

Mwynhau dysgu am ŵyl Diwali / Enjoying learning about Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights.

Cyngor defnyddiol ar noson tân gwyllt! Useful advice for fireworks night!

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Cyngor defnyddiol / Useful advice

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Cadwch yn ddiogel! Be safe!

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Mwy o gyngor! More advice!

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Sut i gadw’n ddiogel / Safety advice

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 Gwaith Cartref Sillafu  

Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 30/11/18 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 23/11/18 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 16/11/18 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 9/11/18 Spelling Homework

 Her Dewch i Feddwl! 

Let's Think Challenge!

Her Dewch i Feddwl 29/11/18 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 15/11/18 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 8/11/18 Let's Think Challenge


Tymor yr Hydref (i) 2018

Autumn Term (i) 2018


Thema'r tymor: Archfarchnad!

This term's theme: Supermarket!

Rhagflas o weithgareddau'r tymor / An overview of this term's work

Taith i Sain Ffagan! Our visit to St Fagans!

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Dyma’r nwyddau yn barod i fynd i’r archfarchnad! Here are the finished products ready for the supermarket!

Argyfwng yn yr archfarchnad! Blwyddyn 2 i’r adwy! Trouble at the supermarket! Year 2 to the rescue!

Dewch i goginio! Ready, Steady, Cook!

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Beth am goginio salad iachus? What about preparing a healthy salad? 🥗

Rhoi cyfarwyddiadau i goginio brechdan! How to make a healthy sandwich!

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Dewch i goginio salad ffrwythau ffres! Let’s make a fresh fruit salad!

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Cawl llysiau! Vegetable soup!

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Ffa pob ar dost i de? Beans on tost for tea?

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Diwrnod T. Llew Jones Day 2018

Ein cyfraniad tuag at y gerdd fawr ‘Lliwiau’ / Our contribution to the school poem

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Heriau a mwy o heriau! Challenges and more challenges!

Dysgu am newid deunyddiau

Learning about changing materials

Daeth parsel arall i’r dosbarth! Aethom ni ati i ddilyn y cyfarwyddiadau i greu siapau iâ! Another parcel arrived in our class! We followed the instructions carefully to make ice shapes!

Ymddangosodd parsel yn y dosbarth! Jeli o bob math! Dyma ni’n mynd ati i ddilyn y cyfarwyddiadau! A parcel appeared in our class full of jelly! Here we are following the instructions!

Mathemateg gan ddefnyddio’r bwrdd rhyngweithiol newydd! Maths lessons using our new interactive board!

Mae 'Siop y Gornel' ar agor! Our corner shop is now open!

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Rydyn ni wrthi'n brysur yn creu hysbysebion. Dewch i wylio!
We've been busy creating advertisements for our shop!

Dewch i Siop y Gornel!

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Visit our shop!

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Dewch i brynu...

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Visit our shop!

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Dewch i ymchwilio yn yr archfarchnad! Let’s investigate at the supermarket!

Ein sesiwn Geirio Gwych 1af! Our 1st 'Geirio Gwych' session!

Siopa Gyda Dad! gan Ceri Wyn Jones

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Dechreuad arbennig i'r thema gyda dysgu'r gerdd 'Siopa Gyda Dad!'
A lovely start to our theme! We've learnt to recite a poem called 'Siopa Gyda Dad!'

Ymweliad ag Archfarchnad Co-op Brynmelin 17/9/18

Visit to Brynmill Co-op 17/9/18

Croeso i flwyddyn 2! Welcome to year 2!

 Her Dewch i Feddwl 

Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 18/10/18 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 4/10/18 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 27/9/18 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 20/9/18 Let's Think Challenge

Her Dewch i Feddwl 13/9/18 Let's Think Challenge

  Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 

Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 19/10/18 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 12/10/18 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 5/10/18 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 28/9/18 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartef Sillafu 21/9/18 Spelling Homework

Gwaith cartref sillafu 14/9/18 Spelling homework