Mae Mrs Barraclough a Miss Warwick yn ein helpu ni hefyd eleni. Dyma ni...
This year Mrs Barraclough and Miss Warwick are helping us too. Here we are...
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Tymor yr Haf (ii) 2018
Summer Term (ii) 2018
Thema'r Hanner Tymor/This Half Term's Theme:
Cawson ni lawer o hwyl yn y parc...
We had lots of fun in the park...
Tymor yr Haf (i) 2018
Summer Term (i) 2018
Thema'r Tymor:
This Term's Theme:
Braf oedd gweld cymaint o oedolion dewr yn ein cefnogi heddiw. Roedd y plant wrth eu bodd.
Cadwodd bawb ar y llwybr a chafodd neb eu bwyta!
It was wonderful to see so many brave adults supporting us today. The children were thrilled.
Everyone kept to the path and no one was eaten!
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!!
Happy New Year!!!
Thema'r hanner tymor:
This half term's theme:
Rhagflas o'r Thema/ Theme Overview
Diolch Mrs Humphreys am ein croesawu ni heddiw a dangos i ni sut mae golchi dillad.
Ers cyflawni ein profiad gwaith, ry'n ni'n barod i weithio yng Ngolchi Mrs Wishi Washi!
Thank you Mrs Humphreys for welcoming us today and showing us how to wash clothes.
Having had our work experience, we are now ready to work in Mrs Wishi Washi's Laundrette!
Cofiwch i ddod â'ch esgidiau glaw i'r ysgol i ymuno yn yr hwyl!
Don't forget to bring your wellies to school to join in the fun!
Thema'r Hanner Tymor:
This Term's Theme:
Thema'r Hanner Tymor:
This Term's Theme:
Celebrating T Llew Jones Day
Useful Resources
Dilynwch 'Digit Dog'!Hwyl gyda Heriau Rhifedd.
Follow 'Digit Dog'!Fun Numeracy Challenges
Go to the Literacy page to see the children perform the 'Tric a Chlic' letters.