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Amserlen Awgrymiedig 1/02/21 Suggested Timetable

Her Dydd Miwsig Cymru/Welsh Music Day Challenge

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Seren a Sbarc

Her Dydd Miwsig Cymru- Fedrwch chi ddysgu cân Seren a Sbarc?
Welsh Music Day Challenge- Can you learn Seren and Sbarc's Song?

Amser Stori gyda Mrs Jenkins/ Story Time with Mrs Jenkins

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Mynegwch eich Hun! Express Yourself!

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Rhannu gyda Mrs Williams/ Division gyda Mrs Williams

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Gweithgaredd i Flwyddyn Un. An activity for Year One.


Gwyliwch y fideo ac yna rhowch gynnig ar y gweithgaredd ar Hwb.

Watch the video and then have a go at the activity on Hwb.

Podlediadau Tric a Chlic Podcasts, CAM 1 Glas, sain 'w'

Blwyddyn 1/Year 1

Gwyliwch y fideo ac yna rhowch gynnig ar y gweithgaredd ar Hwb.

Watch the video and then have a go at the activity on Hwb.

Podlediadau Tric a Chlic, CAM 2 GWYRDDLAS

Teimladau/ Feelings

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Fideo Bwgiwgi Bysedd Mrs Jones/ Mrs Jones' Dough Disco Video

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Am hwyl! Yn ystod ein sesiynau Bwgiwgi Bysedd rydyn yn paratoi ein cyhyrau ar gyfer dal pensil ac ysgrifennu. Gallwch chi hyd yn oed ddilyn y symudiadau heb does!


What fun! In our Dough Disco sessions we are developing our muscles so that we can hold a pencil and write. You can even follow the moves without play dough!  


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Barddoniaeth gan Mr Jones. Dewch i fynegu eich teimladau hefyd! Mae gêm deimladau wedi'i rhannu gyda chi ar J2e.
A poem by Mr Jones. Express your feelings too! A Feelings game has been shared with you on J2e.

Cyfieithiad o'r barddoniaeth/Translation of the poem.

Saib i Sylwi/ Let's Notice Nature!

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Carioci gyda Mrs Jones/Karaoke with Mrs Jones

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Beth sy'n gwneud i Mrs Jones deimlo'n hapus? Dewch i weld!
What make Mrs Jones feel happy? Let's find out!

Dewch i ymlacio a thawelu'r meddwl gyda Miss Griffiths/Time to relax and calm the mind with Miss Griffiths

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Amser Stori gyda Mrs Williams/ Story Time with Mrs Williams

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Mae ymarferion Shwshaswyn yn berffaith i helpu rhai bach i ymlacio, tawelu a sylwi. Beth am wylio'r rhaglenni ar Cyw Tiwb?

Shwshaswyn exercises are perfect to help little ones relax and calm the mind. Check out the programmes on Cyw Tiwb! 

Shwshaswyn- Ymarfer Seren

Shwshaswyn- Ymarfer Fflwff

Shwshaswyn- Ymarfer Capten

Mae canu'n gwneud i ni deimlo'n hapus!

Singing makes us feel happy!

heart laugh heart

Cân Sylwi a Thawelu'r Meddwl | Cyw's Mindfulness Song

Cân i helpu ymlacio a thawelu'r meddwl/ A song to help relax and calm the mind

Amser Cyw-i-oci

Darllen dan arweiniad mewn ffordd hwyl!

Let's have a go at 'guided-reading'- Karaoke style!

Cywioci - Teimladau (Welsh Emotions and Feelings song)

Cyw-i-oci | Cân Dal Ati (The Keep Going song)

Cywioci - Cadw'n Heini

Patrwm Iaith yr Wythnos/ This Week's Language Pattern

Ydy hi'n bwrw glaw? Ydy, mae hi'n bwrw glaw. Is it raining? Yes

Dewch i rannu!/ Let's Share!

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Caru Canu | 5 Crocodeil (Welsh Children's Song)

Dewch i dynnu i ffwrdd! Let's 'take away'!

Caru Canu | 5 Hwyaden (Welsh Children's Song)

Dewch i dynnu i ffwrdd eto! Let's 'take away' again!