Welcome to Mrs Williams and Mrs Bevan's Year 2 Class!
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Tymor yr Haf 2015 Summer Term
Thema'r hanner tymor: / This half term's theme:
Cuddfannau a Dant y Llew
Dens and Dandelions
Newyddion Cyffrous!
Mae gennym aelodau newydd yn ein dosbarth! Teulu o forgrug! Maent yn brysur iawn yn paratoi eu cartref newydd. Rydyn ni wrth ein boddau yn eu gwylio!
Exciting News!
We have welcomed a family of ants into our classroom! They are very busy at the moment creating a new home for themselves!
Pwysig! Important!
Ymweliad i Barc Singleton - bore Mercher 10/6/15
Visit to Singleton Park - Wednesday morning 10/6/15
I ddarganfod mwy am greaduriaid, adar a phlanhigion y goedwig, cliciwch ar y dolenni isod!
To learn more about woodland plants, birds and creatures, click on the links below.
Gweithgareddau bondiau rhif / Number bond activities
Gweithgareddau cymesuredd i chi! Some symmetry activities for you to try!
Dewch i ganu gyda 'Rimbojam!' Let's sing with 'Rimbojam!'
Thema'r Tymor: Un Tro......
Term's Theme: Once Upon a Time.....
Y Briodas Fawr! The Wedding!
Cawsom ddiwrnod bendigedig heddiw! Diolch yn fawr i Jill o Bethel, Sgeti am ein helpu i ddeall mwy am yr hyn sy'n digwydd yn ystod gwasanaeth priodas. Gwisgodd pawb yn eu dillad gorau a chawsom amser gwych! Llongyfarchiadau mawr i Sinderela a'r Tywysog!
We had a fantastic day today! Thank you very much to Jill from Bethel, Sketty for helping us understand more about what happens during a wedding ceremony. We all dressed up in our best clothes and had a fabulous time! Many congratulations to Cinderella and the prince!
Pob lwc i Erin Sherwood sy'n cystadlu yn y gystadleuaeth llefaru unigol ar Ddydd Llun yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr Urdd yng Nghaerffili. Dymuniadau gorau i ti Erin!
Erin Sherwood will be competing in the Year 2 and under recitation competition at the Urdd National Eisteddfod in Caerphilly on Monday. We wish her the very best of luck!
Newyddion Cyffrous! Exciting News!
Cawsom neges oddi wrth Sinderela yn gofyn am ein help i greu gwahoddiadau ar gyfer ei phriodas hi â'r tywysog! Aethom ati yn syth i gynllunio a chreu gwahoddiadau bendigedig!
We had a message from Cinderella! She needed our help to create invitations for her wedding. We were more than ready to help and went ahead to design and create lovely wedding invitations.
Llongyfarchiadau! Congratulations!
Llongyfarchiadau mawr iawn i Erin am ennil yr ail wobr am ysgrifennu barddoniaeth yng nghystadleuaeth gwaith cartref Eisteddfod yr Urdd! Gwych!
Congratulations to Erin for winning second prize in the National Eisteddfod poetry writing competition! Fantastic!
Un tro........
Amser dweud stori! Rydym wedi cael hwyl yn defnyddio symudiadau dweud stori a map stori i ddysgu stori Jac a'r Goeden Ffa. Mae ein straeon yn werth eu darllen!
Once upon a time.....
It's story telling time! We've really enjoyed using story telling actions and a story map to learn the story of Jack and the beanstalk. Our stories are worth reading!
Wythnos bwyta'n iach! Healthy Eating week!
Dyna hwyl oedd paratoi, coginio a blasu ffa dringo! Mmmm!
We had fun preparing, cooking and tasting runner beans! Mmmm!
PWYSIG! Cofiwch am ein ymweliad â Theatr y Grand - Dydd Iau 16/4/15.
IMPORTANT! Please remember that we shall be visiting the Grand Theatre on Thursday 16/4/15
Bore diddorol iawn yn Theatr y Grand! Dysgom ni lawer am fyd y theatr. Rydyn ni'n ysu am gael perfformio a chwarae rôl yn ein theatr yn y dosbarth nawr!
A very interesting morning at Swansea Grand Theatre! We learnt a great deal about the theatrical world and we can't wait to perform and play in our class theatre!
Beth am chwarae gêm rhyngweithiol a dysgu darllen yr amser? Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod.
What about playing an interactive game and learning to tell the time? Click on the link below!
Gwaith Cartref Sillafu / Spelling Homework
Llawer o ddiolch i Mr Besley am ei gyflwyniad gwych am gomics archarwyr! Dysgom ni lawer iawn am y broses o greu comic, am hanes comics a chawsom y cyfle i weld esiamplau o gomics go-iawn hefyd. Rydyn ni'n edrych ymlaen nawr i greu comics ein hun!
A big thank you to Mr Besley for his excellent presentation about superhero comics. We learnt a great deal about the process of creating a comic, about the history of comics and we also had the opportunity to see some examples of comic books. We can't wait to create some comics of our own!
Daeth archarwr arall o'r gymuned i'n gweld ni heddiw. Diolch yn fawr i Gareth Jones o'r gwasanaeth tân am alw heibio i sôn am beryglon tân a sut i gadw'n ddiogel.
Another superhero from the community called in to see us today. Thank you to Gareth Jones from the fire service for teaching us about the dangers associated with fire and how to keep ourselves safe.
Diolch yn fawr i PC Bowen am ymweld â ni heddiw! Bore diddorol dros ben yn trafod rheolau ac ymddygiad. Am fwy o hwyl, ewch i: http://www.schoolbeat.org/cy/disgyblion/age/5-7/
Thank you PC Bowen for visiting us today! We spent an interesting morning discussing rules and the way we should behave.
Heriau Dewch i Feddwl
Let's Think Challenges.
Beth am roi cynnig ar rhain?
What about trying these challenges?
Gwaith Cartref Sillafu
Spelling Homework
Tymor y Gwanwyn 2015 Spring Term
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi gyd!
A Happy New Year to you all!
Ein thema am yr hanner tymor nesa yw 'Cerddorfa.' Edrychwn ymlaen at hanner tymor cerddorol a swnllyd iawn!
Our theme for this half term is 'Orchestra.' We look forward to a very musical and noisy half term!
Prynhawn hyfryd yn y parc yn mwynhau gweithgareddau gwrando, odli a chyfrif.
A lovely afternoon in the park enjoying listening, rhyming and counting activities.
Cawsom her i baratori perfformiad cerddorol wedi ei selio ar stori Santes Dwynwen. Buom yn cynllunio, yn cyfansoddi, yn creu tocynnau, rhaglenni, hysbysebion a gwahoddiadau!
We received a challenge to create a musical performance based on the Saint Dwynwen story. We've been composing, creating tickets, programmes, posters and invitations!
Ein hofferynnau cerdd! Da iawn chi am greu offerynnau diddorol a lliwgar dros ben!
Our musical instruments! Well done for creating some interesting and colourful instruments!
Mae'n ddiwrnod Santes Dwynwen ar y 25ain Ionawr. Cliciwch ar y dolenni isod i ddarganfod mwy am yr hanes!
It's St Dwynwen's Day on January 25th. Click on the links below to learn more!
Diolch yn fawr iawn i Mr Huw Rees am sesiwn ddrymio! Diddorol dros ben! A big thank you to Mr Huw Rees for a very interesting drumming session!
Cyfansoddi gan ddefnyddio ap 'GarageBand'
Composing using 'GarageBand' app.
Mae'r Stiwdio Gerdd ar agor! Rydym wrth ein bodd yn cyfansoddi gan ddefnyddio iPads a cyflawni heriau gyda'r offerynnau.
The Music Studio has opened! We've been having great fun composing using iPads and completing challenges using instruments.
Diolch am ddanfon offerynnau o bob lliw a llun i'r ysgol! Rydym wedi mwynhau eu trafod!
Thank you for sending all kinds of instruments to school! We have enjoyed the experience!
Ymunwch â Dona Direidi i dysgu mwy am offerynnau a'r gerddorfa! Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod i weld cyfres o raglenni ar S4C Clic!
Join Dona Direidi to learn more about musical instruments and the orchestra. Click on the link below to watch a series of programmes on S4C Clic!
Heriau Dewch i Feddwl / Let's Think Challenges
Beth am roi cynnig ar rhain? What about trying these problems?
Her yr Wythnos 9/2/ 15 Weekly Challenge
Dewch i ddysgu mwy am odrifau ac eilrifau / Learn about odd and even numbers
Beth am chwarae gêm rif? What about playing a number game?
Beth am ymarfer ein ffeithiau rhif?
What about learning our number facts?
Her wythnos 5/1/14 Weekly Challenge
Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod i ddatrys y problemau amcangyfrif hyd.
Click on the link below to take part in some length estimation challenges.
Thema'r hanner tymor yma yw 'Cofiwch Cofiwch!'
This half term's theme is 'Remember Remember'
Mae’r Nadolig yn agosáu! Mae corachod bach Sion Corn yn brysur iawn yn y gweithdy!
Christmas is coming! Santa's little helpers are very busy!
Anturiaethau yn y gornel chwarae!
Adventures in the role-play corner!
Mae Sam Tân a'i griw wedi bod yn brysur! Galwch yn ôl i'r dudalen yma'n fuan i glywed am ei anturiaethau. Rydym ni wrthi yn creu anturiaethau cyffrous ar ei gyfer!
Fireman Sam and his crew have been busy. Remember to visit this page soon to hear about his adventures. We've been busy creating exiting adventures for him!
Rydyn ni wedi cael hwyl yn defnyddio'r cyfrifiadur a'r iPads i greu llyfrau a tudalennau o wybodaeth am hanes cynllun y Powdwr Gwn!
We've enjoyed using the computer and iPads to create books and pages of information about the Gunpowder Plot!
Diwrnod Plant Mewn Angen / Children In Need Day
Heriau Datrys Problem / Problem Solving Challenges
Beth am roi cynnig ar rhain? Pob hwyl gyda'r ymchwilio!
What about trying these? Have fun investigating!
PWYSIG! Ymweliad â Gorsaf Dân Llanelli-Tachwedd 6ed IMPORTANT! Visit to Llanelli Fire Station - November 6th
Thema'r hanner tymor yw 'Archfarchnad'.
This half term's theme is 'Supermarket'.
Y Cynnyrch Gorffenedig! Da iawn bawb am fod yn barod i helpu!
The finished products! Well done all for being ready to help!
Am ddiwrnod prysur!
Mae'r gwaith o greu ein cynnyrch wedi ei wneud! Siocledi a lolipops o bob math! Bydd yr archfarchnad yn falch iawn o'n help!
What a busy day!
We've been busy all day making our products! Chocolates and lolly pops of all sorts! The supermarket will be very glad of our help!
Argyfwng yn yr Archfarchnad!
Cawsom neges fideo wrth reolwraig yr archfarchnad yn gofyn am ein cymorth! Roedd pob rhewgell wedi torri a phob lolipop wedi ymdoddi! Hefyd, roedd y gwres yn rhy uchel yn y siop, ac roedd y siocled i gyd wedi ymdoddi! Aethom ati ar frys i greu cynllun!
An Emergency at the Supermarket!
We received a video message from the manager of the supermarket asking for our help! The freezers had broken, and the lollypops had all melted. The heating in the shop was also faulty, and all the chocolate had melted! We were all ready to help, and started planning at once!
Newid Deunyddiau / Changing Materials
Mmmmm! Mae dysgu am newid deunyddiau yn waith blasus dros ben!
learning about changing materials is tasty work! Mmmmmm!
Ymdoddi, ymsolido, oeri, cynhesu, rhewi, hydoddi, caled, meddal.........
Digwyddiadau Diwrnod Eco!
Eco Day Events!
Diolch i Mrs Richards am drafod ei phrofiadau o weithio mewn archfarchnad gyda ni! Diddorol dros ben!
We would like to thank Mrs Richards for sharing her experiences of working in a supermarket with us. Very interesting indeed!
Mae Siop y Gornel ar agor! Diolch i Mr Scourfield am dderbyn ein gwahoddiad i agor y siop yn swyddogol!
Our Corner Shop is now open! Thank you Mr Scourfield for attending the official opening ceremony!
Nodyn i'ch atgoffa!
Gwersi datblygiad Corfforol - Dydd Mercher a Dydd Iau
A reminder!
Physical Development lessons - Wednesday and Thursday.
Ein bocsys arbennig
Cofiwch eu danfon i'r ysgol cyn gynted â phosibl!
Our special boxes
Don't forget to bring your box to school as soon as possible!
Croeso cynnes i Flwyddyn 2! Dyma ychydig o luniau o'n diwrnod 1af!
A warm welcome to year 2! Here are a few pictures of us on our first day!
Gêm ryngweithiol i ddatblygu sgiliau darllen / Interactive game to develop reading skills