Croeso i dudalen dosbarth Bl. 5. Yma, yn ystod y flwyddyn, cewch wybod am themau'r dosbarth, yn ogystal â gweld lluniau o'r plant wrth eu gwaith. Bydd rhai o dasgau gwaith cartref y plant hefyd i'w cael i lawrlwytho ar waelod y dudalen.
Welcome to the Yr. 5 class page. Here, during the year, you will get information regarding the class theme as well as being able to see photos of the children at work. Some of the homework tasks will also be available to download at the bottom of the page.
Ffeithiau rhifedd yr wythnos / Numeracy fact of the week:
Idiom yr Wythnos / This week's idiom: Ara' bach mae dal iar.
3/3/15 Y plant wedi gwisgo fel un o gymeriadau eu hoff lyfrau darllen yn ystod Wythnos y Llyfr.
3/3/15 The children dressed as one of their favourite book characters/personalities during Book Week.
2/3/15 Prosiect argraffu sgrin yn cael ei gwblhau gan y plant gyda Nina Morgan a'i thim o helpwyr.
2/3/15 The sceenprint project being completed with Nina Morgan and her team of helpers.
24.2.15 Yr arlunydd Nina Morgan yn cynnal gweithdy argraffu a chelf digidol gyda'r plant.
24.2.15 The artist Nina Morgan during a printing and digital art workshop.
14.2.15 Gweithdy drama yn yr ysgol
14.2.15 Drama workshop in the school.
10.2.15 Lluniau diweddaraf yn ymwneud ag ymweliad plant Bl.5 a 6 i Bwll Mawr, Blaenafon yn ystod eu hastudiaeth o thema'r tymor, sef 'Ynni'.
10.2.15 Recent pictures of the Yr.5 and 6 pupils during their visit to Big Bit in Blaenavon last week. This was part of their investigation into the world of 'Energy'.
9.2.15 Daeth Aled Owen o gwmni Ynni Da i siarad gyda disgyblion Bl5 a 6 yn gynt yn y flwyddyn. Bu'n trafod y gwahaniaeth rhwng ynni adnewyddadwy a thanwydd ffosil. Cafodd y plant gyfle i gymryd rhan mewn sawl gweithgaredd hefyd.
9.2.15 Aled Owen from Ynni Da came to talk to the Yr.5 and 6 pupils earlier in the year. He spoke about renewable energy and fossil fuels. The children also had the opportunity to take part in various activities.
5.1.15 Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi gyd a chroeso nol. Gobeithio fod pawb yn barod i ddysgu unwaith eto! Thema'r hanner tymor hwn yw 'Ynni'. Mi fyddwn yn edrych ar wahanol fathau o ynni adnewyddadwy ac anadnewyddadwy.
5.1.15 Happy New Year to you all and welcome back. I hope everyone is ready to learn once more! This half term's theme is 'Energy'. We will be focusing on renewable and non-renewable sources of energy.
17.12.14 Y parti Nadolig dan ei sang - joio. Diolch i'r holl rieni am drefnu'r bwyd, diod ac addurniadau.
17.12.14 The Christmas party in full swing - enjoying. Thank you to all parents for organising the food, drinks and decorations.
Y diwrnod mawr o werthu yr addurniadau, cacennau a bomiau bath i gwsmeriaid awyddus wedi dod! Diolch i bawb ddaeth i gefnogi ac i siopa Nadolig gyda ni.
The big day of selling decorations, cakes and bath bombs to keen customers has arrived. Thank you to everybody who came to support and to do a little Christmas shopping.
15.12.14 Y plant yn gweithio'n galed yn paratoi ar gyfer stondinau gwerthu addurniadau Nadolig, bomiau bath a chacennau. Pwy fydd yn gwneud y mwyaf o elw?
15.12.14 The children preparing for their Christmas decorations, bath bombs and cake stalls. Who will make the most profit?
12.12.14 Arbrawf Mentos a Coca-Cola ar yr iard i ddangos adwaith yn digwydd.
12.12.14 The Mentos and Coca-Cola experiment on the yard to show a reaction ar work.
24/11/14 - Mae'r ysgol wedi cyrraedd 10 uchaf cystadleuaeth Carol yr Wyl (Prynhawn Da/S4C) eto eleni. Dyma'r criw yn ystod bore o ffilmio. Bydd cyfle i chi weld a chlywed y perfformiad ar ddydd Llun, Rhagfyr 8fed rhwng 2-3yh - rhaglen Prynhawn Da ar S4C.
24/11/14 - The school has yet again made it into the last 10 of the Prynhawn Da (S4C) Christmas Carol competition. Here they are during a full morning of filming. You will have the opportunity to hear and see their performance on Prynhawn Da (S4C) on Monday, December 8th between 2-3pm.
20/10/14 Dechrau mapio stori/testun yn seiliedig ar ddulliau Pie Corbett heddiw.
20/10/14 Beginning to map stories/text following the techniques used by Pie Corbett today.
10/10/14 Pencampwyr Bocsbogl yr wythnos hon yw LH (gyda'r sgor mwyaf) ac AJ (gyda'r gair unigol hiraf).
10/10/14 This week's Bogglebox champions are LH (with the highest score) and AJ (with the longest word).
8/10/14 Rydym yn astudio cyfesurynnau yr wythnos hon. 'Battleships' yn ymarfer perffaith, sy'n gweddu'n dda i'n thema, sef 'Y Blits'.
8/10/14 We have been studying grid coordinates this week. 'Battleships' is the perfect practice. It also fits in well with our theme, 'The Blitz'.
Ydych chi eisiau bod yn ran o gystadleuaeth Carol yr Wyl (Wedi 3/S4C) eleni? Mae'r ysgol wedi bod yn weddol llwyddiannus yn y gorffennol. Dyma'r 6ed gwaith i ni roi cynnig arni ac rydym wedi cyrraedd y 10 uchaf deirgwaith. Efallai bydd cyfle i fod ar y teledu! Mae geiriau'r gân bellach ar gael i'w lawrlwytho ar waelod y dudalen hon.
Would you like to be a part of the Christams Carol (Wedi 3/S4C) competition this year? The school has been quite successful in the past. This will be our 6th attempt and we've reached the last 10 stage on three occasions. Perhaps there will be a chance to be on the television. This year's song lyrics is now ready to be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
Heddiw, ar ddydd Gwener, Hydref 3ydd, oedd sesiwn cyntaf Bl.5 gyda'r ipads newydd. Fel gwobr i'r rheini oedd wedi cwblhau eu tasgau eraill, cafodd y grwp bach yma ddefnyddio'r tabledi i ymchwilio am wybodaeth ar ddogni bwyd.
Today, on Friday, October 3rd, the Yr.5 pupils had the opportunity to use the new ipads for the first time. As a reward for completing their other tasks, this small group had the chance to use the tablets to research for information regarding food rationing.
Ar ddydd Mercher, Medi 24ain, aeth Bl. 5 a 6 ar daith i Amgueddfa 1940au Abertawe i ddysgu mwy am yr Ail Ryfel Byd.
On Wednesday, September 24th, Yr. 5 a 6 visited the Swansea Bay 1940's Museum to learn more about the Second World War.
Siop groser o gyfnod y 1940au.
A grocer's shop during the 1940's.
Cawsom gyfle i wisgo fyny mewn dillad o'r cyfnod a'u cymharu gyda dillad heddiw.
We had the opportunity to dress up in the costumes they had during the war and compare them to today's clothes.
Roedd cwis i'w gwblhau ar ddiwedd ein hymweliad.
There was a quiz to comlete at the end of our visit.
Roedd dogni bwyd yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd.
Food was rationed during the Second World War.
Diflas oedd treulio amser mewn cysgodfan Anderson.
Spending time in an Anderson Shelter was boring.
Yr awdur Peter J. Murray yn arwyddo llyfrau'r plant.
The author Peter J. Murray signing some of the children's books.
Rhai o ferched y dosbarth yn mwynhau cynnal ambell arbrawf yn y brifysgol.
Some of the girls enjoying making experiments over at the university.
Thema/Theme: Blitz!
Mae'r prosiect hwn yn canolbwyntio ar hanes ac yn eich addysgu am yr Ail Ryfel Byd gan gynnwys dealltwriaeth am y rhesymau dros ryfel, yr effaith ar fywyd bob dydd pobl gan gynnwys plant ac am unigolion pwysig y cyfnod. Byddwch hefyd yn dysgu am arwyddocad Blitz Abertawe a'i effaith cymdeithasol a dynol. Wrth wraidd y prosiect hwn mae byddwch yn ysgrifennu storiau naratif yn seiliedig ar ffeithiau hanesyddol ac yn datblygu sgiliau ychwanegol yn defnyddio ôl-fflachiadau fel techneg ar gyfer adrodd storiau.
This project has a history focus and will teach you about the Second World War including an understanding of the reasons for war, the impact on everyday lives of people including children and about significant individuals in the period. You will also learn about the significance of the Swansea Blitz and the social and human impact of it. At the heart of the project you will write narrative stories based on historical facts and develop additional skills in using flashback as a technique for telling stories.