Croeso i ddosbarth
Derbyn a Blwyddyn 1 Mrs Hiley!
Welcome to Mrs Hiley's
Reception and Year 1 class!
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Tymor y Gwanwyn (i)
Spring Term (i)
Thema'r tymor yw:
This terms theme is:
Pitran, patran yn y pyllau
Pitter, patter in the puddles
Tymor yr Hydref (ii)
Autumn Term (ii)
Thema'r tymor yw:
This terms theme is:
Pan af i gysgu
When I go to sleep
Tymor yr Hydref (i)
Autumn Term (i)
Thema'r tymor yw:
This terms theme is:
Paws, Claws and Whiskers!