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Thema'r Hanner Tymor/This Half Term's Theme:
Fe fydd rhaglen Bagiau Llyfrau Bwmerang yn dechrau y tymor hwn.
I ddysgu mwy am fag Llyfrau Bwmerang a chefnogi sgiliau darllen eich plentyn, cliciwch ar y ddolen isod.
The Boomerang Books Bags programme will commence this term. To learn more about the Boomerang Books Bag and how to promote your child's reading skills, click on the link below.
Tymor yr Haf (i) 2016/Summer Term (i) 2016
Thema'r Hanner Tymor:
This Half Term's theme:
Braf oedd gweld cymaint o oedolion dewr yn ein cefnogi heddiw. Roedd y plant wrth eu bodd.
Cadwodd bawb ar y llwybr a chafodd neb eu bwyta!
It was wonderful to see so many brave adults supporting us today. The children were thrilled.
Everyone kept to the path and no one was eaten!
Tymor y Gwanwyn (ii) 2016/ Spring Term (ii) 2016
This half term's theme:
Easter in the Park
The Easter Bunny invited us to an Easter Picnic in the park. We raced eggs, went on an Easter egg hunt and enjoyed a well earned picnic. What fun!
Dewch â hen ddillad i wisgo ar ddydd Mawrth, mae'n Ddiwrnod Anniben!
Ymweliad i'r Gerddi Botaneg ar ddydd Mercher. Bydd angen brechdanau a dillad addas i'r tywydd ar eich plentyn. Rhowch wybod i fi neu Mrs Morris os ydych ar gael i helpu, diolch!
Bring old clothes to school on Tuesday, it's Messy Day!
Visit to the Botanical Gardens on Wednesday. Your child will need sandwiches and suitable clothes for the weather. If you are able to help please let me or Mrs Morris know, thanks!
What a Marvellous Messy Day!
Ych a Fi!
Mwydod yn y mwd,
Malwod yn y jeli....
A 'Bog Baby' Hunt in the National Botanical Garden of Wales
Thema'r hanner tymor:
This half term's theme:
Mr Gumpy's Outing
O, na! Mae cwch Mr Gumpy yn rhy fach!
Dyma'r plant yn creu cwch newydd ac yn achub y dydd.....
Oh, no! Mr Gumpy's boat is too small.
Here are the children making a new boat and saving the day.....
Thema'r Hanner Tymor:
This Term's Theme:
Dewch i gefnogi plant y Derbyn yn ceisio'r sialens yn Neuadd yr Ysgol ar
ddydd Mercher 11eg o Dachwedd
am 9:15yb
Come and support the Reception children as they attempt their Rhyme Challenge in the school hall on
Wednesday November 11th
at 9:15a.m.
Am fwy o wybodaeth am Pori Drwy Stori a chefnogi sgiliau Llythrennedd a Rhifedd eich plentyn gartref, cliciwch ar y ddolen isod.
For more information about Pori Drwy Stori and supporting your child's Literacy and Numeracy Skills at home, click on the link below.
Thema'r Hanner Tymor:
This Term's Theme:
Daeth Swyddogion Addysg Llys Nini i'r ysgol heddiw. Dysgon ni am waith y ganolfan a hefyd sut i ofalu am gathod. Cawson lawer o hwyl yn clywed stori am ddau berchennog hollol wahanol! Cafodd Mrs Jenkins a rhai o'r plant gyfle i gymryd rhan y cymeriadau. Joio!
Codwyd £108 ar ein Diwrnod Cathod i'r elusen.
Roedd Llys Nini'n ddiolchgar iawn i ddosbarth Meithrin, Derbyn a Blwyddyn Un Miss Griffiths am eu rhodd hael!!!
Education Officers from Llys Nini came to school today. We learnt about the centre's work and how to care for cats. We had lots of fun hearing a story about two very different owners! Mrs Jenkins and some of the children took the part of the characters.
£108 was raised for the charity on our 'Cats Day'.
Llys Nini were very grateful to the Nursery, Reception and Miss Griffiths' Year One Class for their generous donation.
'Less waste, live more' Week
Go to the Literacy page to read the poem.
Ein Diwrnod Cyntaf yn y Derbyn
Our First Day in Reception
Useful Resources
Go to the Literacy page to see the children perform the 'Tric a Chlic' letters.