Croeso i ddosbarth Derbyn
Mrs Jenkins a Mrs Morris!
Welcome to Mrs Jenkins and
Mrs Morris' Reception Class!
Dilynwch ein dosbarth ar Trydar!
Follow our class on Twitter!
@ YGGBYMRJenkins
Thema'r Hanner Tymor:
This Half Term's Theme:
Rhagflas y Tymor/ Term's Overview
Bae Abertawe / Swansea Bay
Thema'r Hanner Tymor:
This Half Term's Theme:
Rhagflas y Tymor/Term's Overview
Picnic Tedi Bêrs yn y Parc / A Teddy Bears' Picnic in the Park
Platiau Pitsa Perffaith!
Dyma'r Cyfnod Sylfaen ar ei orau! Dysgu gweithredol a'r cyfle i werthuso ein gwaith ar y diwedd!
Delightful Dishes of Dough (with sauce, cheese and toppings)!
This is Foundation Phase at its best! Active learning and the opportunity to evaluate our handy work at the end!
Ymweliad i Fwyty ASK / A Trip to ASK Restaurant
Cwrdd â Mr Brig-ddyn ym marc Brynmelin
Wyddoch chi sawl ffordd allwch chi ddefnyddio brigyn?
Wel, dyma ddwy ffordd!
Meeting Stickman in Brynmill Park...
Do you know how many ways there are to use a stick?
Well here are two of them!
Thema'r Hanner Tymor:
Chwedlau'r Ddraig
This Half Term's Theme:
Dragon Tales
Rhagflas y Tymor/ The Term's Overview
Ymweld â Chastell Caerffili
Aethon ni i gastell Caerffili i gwrdd â Syr Rhys y Marchog heddiw. Dysgon ni am fywyd marchog a bywyd yn y castell.
Roedd bywyd yn y Canol Oesoedd yn wahanol iawn...gorfod brwsio dannedd gyda brigyn; dyna beth od!
A Visit to Caerphilly Castle
We went to Caerphilly Castle today to meet Sir Rhys the Knight .
We learned about the life of a knight and living in the castle.
Life in the Middle Ages was rather different...having to brush your teeth with a stick; how odd!
Draig yn ymweld â'r Dosbarth/ A dragon visits the Class
Cwrddon ni â draig go iawn heddi!
Am gyfle gwych i ofyn llawer o gwestiynau a dysgu am hoff bethau a chas bethau y ddraig.
We met a real live dragon today!
It was great opportunity to ask lots of questions and learn about the dragon's likes and dislikes .
Cystadleuaeth Celf a Chrefft
Eisteddfod Ysgol 2017
School Eisteddfod 2017
Art and Craft Competition
Pori Drwy Stori
*** Cyfarfod i rieni plant y Derbyn i drafod adnoddau'r tymor a chefnogi sgiliau Llythrennedd a Rhifedd eich plentyn yn y cartref ***
am 5:30 y.h.
yn yr e-stafell
*** A meeting for Reception class parents to discuss the term's resources and supporting your child's Literacy and Numeracy skills at home ***
at 5:30 p.m.
in the 'e-stafell'
Croeso i'r Flwyddyn Newydd a thema newydd sbon!
Tymor y Gwanwyn (i) 2017
Welcome to the New Year and a brand new theme!
Spring Term (i) 2017
Thema'r hanner tymor:
Tyllau, Gofodau a Chuddfannau
This half term's theme:
Holes, Spaces and Hiding Places
Rhagflas o'r thema/ Overview of the theme
Creu Cuddfannau gydag Ysgol Goedwig/ Making Shelters with Forest School
Chwarae 'Ble mae Waldo?' yn y Parc
Playing 'Where's Wally?' in the Park
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Ble Mae Jac Do?
Daeth Jac Do i'r ysgol i chwarae cuddio yr wythnos hon. Cawsom ni lawer o hwyl yn dysgu darllen geiriau newydd!
Where is Jac Do?
Jac Do came to school this week to play Hide and Seek with us. We had lots of fun learning to read new words!
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Mwy o 'Ble Mae'r Llygoden Fach?'
Thema'r Hanner Tymor:
Tywynnu a Phelydru
This Half Term's Theme:
Glow and Glitter
Rhagflas o'r thema/Overview of the theme
Nadolig Llawen! / Merry Christmas!
Plant mewn Angen 2016
Pudsey yn y Parc
Cawson ni lawer o hwyl ym mharc Brynmelin heddiw yn chwilio am Pudsey yr Arth ac yn ymarfer ein sgiliau corfforol.
Children in Need 2016
Pudsey in the Park
We had lots of fun yn Brynmill Park today looking for Pudsey Bear and practising our physical skills.
Ein Helfa Ddisglair / Our Shiny Hunt
Noson Tân Gwyllt / Bonfire Night
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Sialens Rhigwm 2016
Llongyfarchiadau, blant am gyflawni'r sialens. Rydyn ni'n mor falch!
Rhyme Challenge 2016
Well done, children for completing the Rhyme Challenge. We are so proud!
Thema'r Hanner Tymor/This Half Term's Theme:
Pethau Bychain Pitw
Teeny Tiny Things
Rhagflas o'r thema/ Overview of the theme
Anifeiliaid Anhygoel!
Amazing Animals
Am ddiwrnod cyffrous! Daeth llawer o anifeiliaid anhygoel i'n gweld ni heddiw...
What an exciting day! Lots of amazing animals came to visit today...
Dathlu Diwrnod T. Llew Jones
Celebrating T. Llew Jones Day
Helfa Odl/ A Rhyme Hunt
Cerdd i ddathlu Diwrnod T. Llew Jones
A Poem to celebrate T. Llew Jones Day
Ewch i'r dudalen Llythrennedd i weld y plant yn perfformio cerdd ysgol Bryn-y-Môr.
Go to the Literacy page to see the children perform Bryn-y-Môr's school poem.
Pori Drwy Stori
Sialens Rhigwm
Dewch i gefnogi plant y Derbyn yn ceisio'r sialens yn Neuadd yr Ysgol ar
ddydd Iau 3ydd o Dachwedd
am 9:15yb
The Rhyme Challenge
Come and support the Reception children as they attempt their Rhyme Challenge in the school hall on
Thursday November 3rd
at 9:15a.m.
Am fwy o wybodaeth am Pori Drwy Stori a chefnogi sgiliau Llythrennedd a Rhifedd eich plentyn gartref, cliciwch ar y ddolen isod.
For more information about Pori Drwy Stori and supporting your child's Literacy and Numeracy Skills at home, click on the link below.
Ein Diwrnod Cyntaf yn y Derbyn/ Our First Day in Reception
Adnoddau Defnyddiol
Useful Resources
Ap Amser Stori Cyw / Cyw's Storytime App
Ewch i'r dudalen Llythrennedd i weld y plant yn perfformio llythrennau Tric a Chlic.
Go to the Literacy page to see the children perform the 'Tric a Chlic' letters.
Taflenni Ymarfer Llawysgrifen/ Handwriting Practice Sheets
Aps Defnyddiol/ Useful Apps