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Meithrin Bore / Morning Nursery - Miss S Harding

Croeso i'r meithrin bore!

Dosbarth Miss  Evans, Mrs Barraclough a Miss Warwick.




Welcome to the morning nursery!

Miss  Evans, Mrs Barraclough and Miss Warwicks' class.




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Dyma rhagflas y tymor yma yn y Meithrin! Here is the overview for this term in the Nursery!

Ein parti nadolig!! Our Christmas Party!! Nadolaig Llawen! Merry Christmas!

Helfa Drysor - yn chwilio am bethau disglair! Treasure Hunt - looking for shiny things!

Dyma rhagflas yr hanner tymor yma yn y meithrin! Here is a preview of this half term in the nursery!

Dwlu ar ddarllen! We love reading!

Dyma luniau o ymweliad Amazonia. Roedd y plant yn dwli ar yr anifeiliaid! Here are some pictures of our visit from Amazonia. The children loved seeing the animals!

Chwilio am behau bychain pitw. Searching for teeny tiny things.

Dyma ni yn mwynhau ein wythnos cyntaf yn y meithrin! Here we are enjoying our first week in the nursery!