Beth am chwarae gem o gwmpas y ty gan bod y tywydd yn ddiflas?
Bydd angen bwced (neu pot neu bag). Ysgrifennwch rhif ar darn o babur (post-it) a'i osod ar waelod y bwced. Gofynnwch i'ch plentyn mynd o amgylch y tŷ i gasglu'r nifer hynny o wrthrychau. Os ydych eisiau herio'rch plentyn beth am gofyn iddyn nhw gasglu nifer penodol o bethau un lliw? Neu beth am gasglu penthaus sy'n dechrau gyda'r un sain a'r enw?
Why don't you play a game in the house since the weather is miserable?
Get a bucket or container and put a post it on it with a number between 1 and 10. Get your child to go around the house or garden and collect however many objects is written on the paper. If you wanted to make it harder you could ask them to collect that number of objects that are all the same colour, or try and get them to find objects that start with the same sound as their name.