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Blwyddyn 2 / Year 2 - Mrs C Williams

Croeso i ddosbarth Blwyddyn 2 Mrs Williams, Mrs Bevan a Mrs Richards!


Welcome to Mrs Williams, Mrs Bevan and Mrs Richards' Year 2 Class!

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Thema'r Tymor yr Haf 2014: Garddwyr Gwyrdd!

Summer Term 2014 theme: Green Gardeners!

Mabolgampau 2014 Sports Day

Ar eich marciau, barod, ewch!!

On your marks, get set, go!!

mabolgampau 2014.mov

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Dyma ni'n cadw'n heini ac yn cael hwyl ar lan y môr!

Keeping fit and fun on the beach!

Hoffech chi ddysgu sut i blannu hadau? Gwyliwch ein ffilmiau!

Would you like to know how to plant seeds? Watch our films!

Sut i blannu blodyn haul / How to plant a sunflower

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Sut i blannu pys per / How to plant sweet peas

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Ar Werth yn y Ffair Haf!! For Sale in the Summer Fair!!

Pobl Porfa! Grass Heads!

Rhagflas o thema'r tymor / An overview of this term's work

Gweithdy Celf gyda'r arlunydd Raphaelle Fieldhouse / Art Workshop with artist Raphaelle Fieldhouse

Paratoi ar gyfer agor ein Canolfan Arddio!

Os oes gennych unrhyw adnoddadu addas e.e hadau, potiau, offer garddio nad ydych eu hangen mwyach, danfonwch nhw i'r ysgol os gwelwch yn dda. Diolch!


Preparing for the grand opening of our Garden Centre!

If you have any unwanted items, such as seeds, pots, gardening tools etc that you no longer need, please send to school. Thank you!

Fuoch chi 'rioed yn morio?

Taith i Barc Singleton - bore bendigedig! A visit to Singleton park - a marvellous morning!

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 27/6/14 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 20/6/14 Spelling Homework


Tymor yr Haf 2014

Thema'r tymor: Dewch i Forio!


Summer Term 2014

Theme: Land Ahoy!


Mae angen casglu deunyddiau arnom i greu cychod! Casglwch ddeunyddiau y gallwch eu hailgylchu e.e bocsys plastig, polystyren neu ffoil. Dewch â nhw i'r ysgol cyn gynted â phosibl! Diolch!



We need recyclable materials to create boats! Please collect materials such as plastic, polystyrene or foil cartons. Bring them in to school as soon as possible! Thank you!

Rhagflas o weithgareddau'r tymor / An overview of this term's work

Neges frys!!

Cawsom neges oddi wrth Blod yr wylan heddiw! Rhaid i ni helpu Capten Caradog a'i griw! Dewch yn ôl yn ystod yr wythnos i weld sut 'rydyn ni yn mynd i'w helpu. Mae'r gwaith wedi dechrau'n barod.......


Urgent Message!!

We had an urgent message from Blod the seagull today! We must help Captain Caradog and his crew. Visit this page soon to see what we are doing to help him. The work has already begun......

Hoffech chi ddarllen stori? Mwynhewch!

Would you like to read a story? Enjoy!


Dyma ni i gyd ar lwyfan Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr Urdd! Diolch i fardd plant Cymru am gynnwys ein fideo yn y cyflwyniad! Diolch i dad Tomos am y lluniau!no


Here we all  are on the stage of the Urdd National Eisteddfod! Thank you to the children's poet of Wales for including our video in his presentation! Thanks to Tomos's dad for the photographs!no

Dewch i helpu Sglod! Let us help Sglod!

Argyfwng! Rhaid galw'r bad achub!

Emergengy! Call the lifeboat!

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 13/6/14 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 6/6/14 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 23/5/14 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 16/5/14 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 9/5/14 Spelling Homework

Llongyfarchiadau! Congratulations! Da iawn Madison am ennill y 3ydd wobr yng nghystadleuaeth barddoniaeth Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr Urdd! Gwych! Well done Madison for winning 3rd prize in the Urdd National Eisteddfod poetry writing competition! Fantastic!

smiley         Llongyfarchiadau!  Congratulations!    smiley


Yn ddiweddar aethom ati i geisio cyflawni her gan Fardd plant Cymru i greu pennill er mwyn cyfrannu at gerdd fwyaf y byd! Rhaid oedd creu pennill yn sôn am ein hardal ni o Gymru.  Danfonwyd penillion o bob cwr o'r wlad at Aneirin Karadog, y Bardd Plant. Roeddem wrth ein bodd i glywed ei fod wedi dewis ein pennill ni i gael ei gynnwys yn y Gerdd Fawr! Rhaid i ni fynd ati nawr i greu ffilm o'r pennill yn cael ei adrodd, ac yna ei ddanfon at yr Urdd. Bydd Y Gerdd Fawr yn cael ei dangos ar lwyfan pafiliwn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr Urdd yn y Bala!


Our class recently took part in the Children’s Poet Laureate of Wales Challenge to create the world’s longest poem, describing different parts of Wales. Numerous entries were sent from schools all over Wales to Aneirin Karadog, the present Children’s Poet Laureate of Wales. We were very pleased to hear that he has chosen our poem to be included in 'Y Gerdd Fawr' (the great poem) and we must now film our poem being recited and send it to the Urdd. The poem will be shown in the pavilion during the Urdd National Eisteddfod in Bala!


Dyma ein cyfraniad ni! Here is our contribution!


‘Y Mwmbwls, y Marina a thraethau braf,

Amgueddfa, stadiwm a sbri!

Mwynhau hufen ia Joe's ar ddiwrnod o haf,
Abertawe - ein dinas ni!’

Dyma ein cyfraniad i'r Gerdd Fawr! Here is our contribution!

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Diwrnod da gyda Criw Bad Achub y Mwmbwls! An Interesting visit to the Mumbles Lifeboat!

Cofiwch! Taith i Orsaf Bad Achub y Mwmbwls - 6/5/14

Cofiwch ddod â cot ac esgidiau glaw. Dychwelwch y ffurflen ganiatad hefyd os gwelwch yn dda erbyn y 6/5/14

A reminder! Visit to Mumbles Lifeboat Station - 6/5/14

Don't forget to bring your coat and wellies. Please return permission slip by 6/5/14

Croeso i ail hanner Tymor y Gwanwyn 2014.

Ein thema am y tymor fydd 'Carnifal!'


Welcome back to the 2nd half of the Spring Term 2014.

Our theme for this half term is 'Carnival!'



Rhagflas o waith y tymor / An overview of this term's work

Hoffech chi glywed mwy am ein carnifal? Dewch i ddarllen! Would you like to hear more about our carnival?

Ymunwch gyda ni yn hwyl y carnifal! Join us in our carnival fun!

Gweithdy Rhythm Bongo Clive!

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carnifal y Pasg 2.MOV

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Cofiwch! Carnifal y Pasg a gweithdy rhythm Dydd Llun Ebrill 7fed! 


A reminder! Easter Carnival and rhythm workshop - Monday 7th April! 


Mae'r paratoadau wedi dechrau ar gyfer ein carnifal! Our carnival preparations have begun!

Mae Siop Parti Perffaith yn brysur! It's a busy time for our class shop!

Llongyfarchiadau mawr! Y wobr 1af yn Eisteddfod Sir yr Urdd! Congratulations! 1st prize in the Urdd County Eisteddfod!

Cofiwch! Remember!

Carnifal y Pasg! Ebrill y 7fed

Easter Carnival - 7th April

Carnifal y Pasg / Easter Carnival

Gweithdy Rhythm / Rhythm Workshop

Dysgu am Ŵyl Songkran o Wlad Thai.

Diolch yn fawr iawn i Fam Arun am adrodd yr hanes. Mae'r ŵyl yn un wlyb iawn ac yn llawn hwyl a sbri!smiley


Learning about the Songkran festival from Thailand.

A big thank you to Arun's mum for telling us all about the celebrations. It sounds like a lot of fun!smiley

Dewis Gwyl i'w hastudio trwy bleidleisio! Voting to choose a festival to study in more detail!

Agoriad Swyddogol Siop 'Parti Perffaith!' The Official opening of our class shop!

Dysgu am Ddiogelwch Tân!  Learning about Fire Safety!


Cawsom lawer o hwyl tra'n dysgu am ddiogelwch tân gyda Gareth.

We had a lot of fun whilst learning about fire safety with Gareth.

Wythnos y Llyfr a Masnach Deg! Book Week and Fair Trade!

Llongyfarchiadau! Congaratulations!

Arlunwyr o fri! Acclaimed Artists!

Dathlu Gwyl Ddewi! Celebrating St David's Day!

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 28/3/14 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 21/3/14 Spelling Homework

Geiriau 'Tric a Chlic Cam 2' Words

Geiriau aml eu defnydd / High frequency words

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 14/3/14 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 7/3/14 Spelling Homework


Croeso i Dymor y Gwanwyn 2014.

Ein thema ar gyfer yr hanner tymor fydd

"Y Byd Mawr Crwn."


Spring Term 2014

Our theme for this half term is "Big Wide World."

Cystadleuaeth Gwyl Ddewi / St David's Day Competition

Ein Diwrnod Sbaeneg! Our Spanish Day!

Diwrnod Sbaeneg! Spanish Day! 20/2/14

Arlunwyr Blwyddyn 2! Peintio tirluniau Abertawe / Year 2 Artists! Painting Swansea landscapes

Cadw'n heini gyda Heini! Heini helping us to keep fit!

Dawnsio Fflamenco! Flamenco Dancing!

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Diolch yn fawr unwaith eto i fam Rebecca am ein helpu i ddysgu ychydig o symudiadau fflamenco. Dyna oedd hwyl! Muchas gracias!

A big thank you once again to Rebecca's mum for teaching us some flamenco dance moves! It was a lot of fun! Muchas gracias!

Dawnswyr fflamenco! Flamenco dancers!

Strategaethau adio a thynnu

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn dysgu llawer o 'driciau' adio a thynnu. Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod i ddarganfod mwy!


Addition and subtraction strategies.

We've been learning many addition and subtraction 'tricks.' Click on the link below to discover more!

Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen Hapus i bawb! Happy St Dwynwen's Day to all!

Gwersi Sbaeneg! Spanish Lessons!

Y Ganolfan Groeso! Our Tourist Information Centre!

Dewch i Abertawe! Visit Swansea!

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Rydyn ni wedi bod yn brysur yn creu hysbysebion i ddenu ymwelwyr i Abertawe! We've been busy creating adverts to attract visitors to Swansea!

Golygu'r hysbysebion / Editing our adverts

Dewch i Abertawe! Visit Swansea!

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Dewch i Abertawe! Visit Swansea!

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Mae'r pleidleisio ar ben! Y wlad sy'n ennill y mwyafrif o bleidleisiau yw.......Sbaen!


The votes are in! The country winning the most votes is...........Spain!

Dyma ni'n pleidleisio! It's time to cast our votes!

Cofiwch ddychwelwyd eich dewis ynglŷn â pha wlad yr hoffech ei hastudio! Byddwn yn cynnal pleidlais cyn hir!


Remeber to return your ideas regarding which country you would like to study. We will be voting soon!

Rhagflas o waith y tymor / An overview of this term's work

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 21/2/14 spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 14/2/14 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 7/2/14 Spelling Homework

Gwaith cartref Sillafu 31/1/14 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 24/1/14 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 17/1/14 Spelling Homework



Dyna braf oedd cael gweld Sion Corn heddiw! Roedd e'n dipyn o gymeriad! It was lovely to meet Father Christmas today. He was quite a character!

Neges i Sion Corn / A message for Father Christmas

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Gofynnodd Sion Corn i ni i'w helpu! Roedd problemau mawr gyda'r cyflenwad trydan ym Mhegwn y Gogledd. Aethom ati i ddatrys y broblem! Father Christmas asked for our help! There were problems with the electricity supply in the North Pole. We tried our best to solve the problem!

Mae'r Nadolig yn agosau! Dyma ychydig luniau o weithgareddau diweddar. It's nearly Christmas! Here are a few pictures of recent activities.

Dyma rai lluniau ohonom yn dysgu am wyl Hanukkah, sef gwyl Iddewig sy'n dathlu goleuni. Here are a few pictures of us learning about Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of light. Diolch yn fawr i fam Solomon. A big thank you to Solomon's mum for helping us!

Dyma rai lluniau o weithgareddau diweddar ar y thema goleuni a thrydan. Some recent pictures showing activities based on the theme of light and electricity.

Archarwyr di-ri yn helpu plant mewn angen! / Superheroes supporting Children in Need!

Dyma ni yn dathlu Diwali! Celebrating Diwali!

Rhaglfas o waith y tymor / An overview of this term's theme

2il hanner Tymor yr Hydref 2013  Thema'r tymor: "Enfys Trydan"

2nd half of Autumn Term 2013     Half term theme: "Electric Rainbow"

Gwaith cartref sillafu 6/12/13 Spelling Homework

Gwaith cartref sillafu 29/11/12 Spelling Homework

Gwaith cartref Sillafu 22/11/13 Spelling Homework

Gwaith cartref sillafu 15/11/13 Spelling Homework

Gwaith cartref sillafu / Spelling homework 8/11/13

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu 18/10/13 Spelling Homework

Gwaith Cartref Sillafu / Spelling Homework 11/10/13

I'ch atgoffa!

Diwrnodau Gwersi Addysg Gorfforol - Dydd Mawrth a Mercher. Cofiwch eich gwisoedd ymarfer corff!


Don't Forget!

Physical Development lessons - Tuesday and Wednesday. Please remember your P.E Kit!