Hoffem ddweud diolch enfawr a phob lwc i Mrs Rhian Hiley sy’n ein gadael y tymor hwn i weithio mewn ysgol yn nes adref. Mae Mrs Hiley wedi bod yn gweithio yn yr ysgol ers 2012 ac rwy’n siŵr y bydd staff a disgyblion yn gweld ei heisiau. /
We would like to say a huge thank you and good luck to Mrs Rhian Hiley who is leaving us this term to work in a school closer to home. Mrs Hiley has been working with the school since 2012 and I am sure that she will be missed by staff and pupils.
Hoffem ddweud diolch enfawr a phob lwc i Mrs Diane Evans, bydd staff a disgyblion yn gweld ei heisiau. /
We would like to say a huge thank you and good luck to Mrs Diane Evans who is leaving us this term. She will be greatly missed by staff and pupils.