Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau yn ystod cyfnod(au) clo, cysylltwch trwy ebost:
If you have any questions during periods of lockdown, you may contact us on:
Mr Rhys Jones : JonesR270@hwbcymru.net
Miss Karen Griffiths : GriffithsK31@hwbcymru.net
Cysylltwch gyda'r ddau ohonom ac fe ddaw un ohonom nol atoch gynted a sydd bosib.
Contact the both of us and one of us will get back to you as soon as possible.
Tymor yr Haf 2021
C’mon Cymru! ⚽️
Sesiwn gymnasteg 🧘🏼♀️🤸🏽♀️
Gweithio fel tîm i gyfateb y gwledydd sy’n cystadlu yng nghystadleuaeth Ewro 2020 ⚽️
Working as a team to match the countries that are competing in Euro 2020 ⚽️
Diwrnod Empathi / Empathy day 2021
Cliciwch ar yr enfys isod i weld y fideos ar gyfer eich tasgau cyfnod clo.
Click on the rainbow below to see the videos to go with your lockdown tasks.
Rydym wedi arbrofi cyflwyno gwybodaeth ar ffurf sioe sleidiau yr wythnos hon. Dyma rhai enghreifftiau:
We have been experimenting with presenting information via a slide show this week. Here are a few examples of our work:
Tymor yr Hydref 2020
Thema: Ydy pob arwr yn gwisgo clogyn?
Awr hyfryd yn gwerthfawrogi a rhoi adborth am waith ein ffrindiau
Taking some time out to appreciate our friends achievements and give feedback