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Dosbarth yr Wylan- Mrs C Williams

Croeso i Ddosbarth yr Wylan

Blwyddyn 2

Mrs C. Williams

a Miss C. Messer




Dyma ni! Here we are!

Tymor y Gwanwyn 2025

Spring Term 2025


Uned ddysgu'r tymor:

Cymru, Gwlad y Gân!

Gall pawb fod yn gerddor!

This term's unit of learning:

Wales, Land of Song!

We can all be musicians!

Rhagflas o weithgareddau'r tymor / An overview of this term's activities

Y Bwrdd Bang! Band a ni i gynllunio! Here are our ideas for this term's learning!

Gweithdy rhythm ac offerynnau gwych gyda Jonathan! An exciting rhythm and instrument workshop with Jonathan! Diolch yn fawr! 🎶

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi gyd! Gobeithio y cawsoch wyliau hyfryd!

A Happy New year to you all! We hope you had a lovely holiday!


Beth am ddechrau'r tymor trwy ddysgu'r anthem genedlaethol? 

What about starting the new term by learning our national anthem?

Anthem Genedlaethol Cymru / National Anthem of Wales

Cliciwch isod i glywed yr anthem / Click on the link to hear the anthem


Tymor yr Hydref 2024 Autumn Term

Uned Ddysgu’r Tymor:

Abertawe Anhygoel!

This term’s Unit of Learning:

Super Swansea!

Rhagflas o weithgareddau'r tymor / An overview of this term's work

Parti Nadolig / Christmas Party Letter

Llythyr Oriel Gelf/ Art Gallery Letter

Hwyl yr Ŵyl! Festive fun!

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Diolch i’r rhieni am alw heibio i weld ein Oriel Gelf! A big thank you to all parents that called in to see our Art Gallery!

Croeso i’r Oriel Gelf! Dyma ein campweithiau! Welcome to our Art Gallery! These are our masterpieces!

Cinio Nadolig blasus! A lovely Christmas Dinner!

Ymweliad diddorol â Mosg Sgeti 5/12/24 A very interesting visit to Sketty Mosque. Diolch yn fawr!

Ymweliad diddorol heddiw ag Eglwys Sant Gabriel. Diolch i’r Tad Sam am ein tywys o gwmpas yr eglwys / An interesting visit to St Gabriel’s today. Thank you Father Sam!

Dysgu am ddiogelwch tân / Learning about Fire Safety

Dyma ni’n mwynhau’r broses greadigol! Creu printiau ar ôl cael ein ysbrydoli gan waith Sarah Hopkins / Here we are enjoying the creative process! We were inspired to create prints of various Swansea landmarks after studying the work of local artist, Sarah Hopkins

Sesiwn prynhawn ysgol goedwig 24/10/24 Afternoon session forest school

Sesiwn bore yn yr ysgol goedwig 24/10/24 Morning session at Forest School

Diolch o galon i Sarah Hopkins am ddod i siarad â ni heddiw. Cawsom ein ysbrydoli i fod yn artistiaid! Thank you very much to Sarah Hopkins for visiting us today and inspiring us to become artists!

Newyddion cyffrous! Exciting news!

Cawsom her gan griw y Copper Jack i ddarganfod gwybodaeth am rai o atyniadau Abertawe. I ffwrdd â ni i gynllunio ac i gasglu gwybodaeth. Cadwch olwg yma am fwy o luniau a fideos! 

We were challenged by the Copper Jack crew to find out information about some of Swansea's attractions. Off we went to plan and gather information. Stay tuned here for more photos and videos!

Castell Abertawe gan grŵp yr amgueddfa

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Yr hen waith copr gan grŵp y marina

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Tŵr Meridian gan grŵp y siopau

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Y Stadiwm gan grŵp y Parc

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Canolfan Hamdden yr LC2 gan grŵp y Traeth

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Dysgu am ddeunyddiau cyffredin a’u priodweddau - dewch i ymchwilio! Learning about materials and their properties - let’s investigate!

Mwynhau gweithgareddau Diwrnod T Llew Jones 11/10/24 Celebrating T Llew Jones Day

Ysgol Goedwig sesiwn bore 3/10/24 Morning session at Forest School

Ein taith ar y Copper Jack! Our journey on the Copper Jack!

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Mwynhau ein gwers gymnasteg 🤸🏽 / Enjoying our gymnastics lesson.🤸🏼‍♀️

Jac Abertawe!

Hoffech chi glywed hanes un o arwyr Abertawe? Would you like to learn more about one of Swansea’s heroes?

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Jac Abertawe

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Jac Abertawe

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Jac Abertawe

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Jac Abertawe

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Newyddion Cyffrous! Mae Parlwr Hufen Iâ Joe’s wedi ei agor yn swyddogol! News flash! Joe’s Ice Cream parlour is now officially open!

Ysgol Goedwig sesiwn prynhawn 12/9/24 Forest School afternoon session

Ysgol Goedwig sesiwn bore 12/9/24 Forest School morning session

Dyma ni’n adrodd cerdd am ‘Abertawe - ein dinas ni!’ We’ve learnt a poem about Swansea - our city!

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Y Mwmbwls, y Marina a thraethau braf,

Amgueddfa, stadiwm a sbri!

Mwynhau hufen iâ Joe’s ar ddiwrnod o Haf,

Abertawe - ein dinas ni!

Ein Siarter Ddosbarth / Our Class Charter

Croeso i ddosbarth yr Wylan! Dyma rai lluniau o’n diwrnodau cyntaf! A few pictures of our first days!