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Tymor yr Gwanwyn / Spring Term 2025

Tymor yr Hydref 2024 Autumn Term

Uned Ddysgu’r Tymor:

Cymru, Gwlad y Gân!

Gall pawb fod yn gerddor!

This term’s Unit of Learning:


Wales, Land of Song!

We can all be musicians!

Dyma ni yn y Gig Fflalala ac yn cwrdd a Seren a Sparc 🌟 / here we are down at the Fflalala Gig and meeting Seren and Sparc 🌟

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn defnyddio ap Garageband ap i gyfansoddi cerddoriaeth i gynrychioli cymeriadau o'r stori. /  We've been using the Garageband app to compose music to represent the characters in the story.


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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Gweithdy rhythm ac offerynnau gwych gyda Jonathan! An exciting rhythm and instrument workshop with Jonathan! Diolch yn fawr! 🎶

Gwasgwch y cod QR i wylio ein perfformiad o Pedr a’r Blaidd/ Clic the QR code to watch our performance of Peter and the Wolf 🐺 👦🏼

Beth am ddechrau'r tymor trwy ddysgu'r anthem genedlaethol? 

What about starting the new term by learning our national anthem?

Anthem Genedlaethol Cymru / National Anthem of Wales

Cliciwch isod i glywed yr anthem / Click on the link to hear the anthem

Mae Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau

Hen Wlad fy Nhadau

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