Clwb Brecwast
Bydd clwb brecwast yn ailagor ar Fedi'r 14eg am 7.50am tan 8.20am. Y pris am yr hanner awr gyntaf fydd £ 1.50. Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn gall y plant fynd i’r neuadd i fwynhau grawnfwyd, tost a sudd yn ogystal â ffrwythau. Sicrhewch eich bod yn gosod arian mewn amlen gydag enw'ch plentyn ar y tu blaen. Byddai'n well ac i leihau faint o wrthrychau y mae staff yn cyffwrdd â nhw, pe gallech chi dalu am wythnos, mis neu hanner tymor ymlaen llaw. Rhwng 8.20 ac 8.50 bydd y clwb brecwast am ddim. Sylwch mai dim ond am 20 munud ariannir y clwb brecwast bellach - felly dim ond rhwng 8.20 ac 8.40 bydd brecwast yn cael ei weini. Ni fydd mynediad i'r clwb brecwast ar ôl 8.35am.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast club Breakfast club will reopen as normal on September the 14th at 7.50am until 8.20am. The price for the first half hour will be £1.50. During this period children can enjoy cereal, toast and juice as well as fruit. Please ensure that you place all monies in an envelope with the name of your child on the front. It would be better, to reduce the amount of objects touched by staff, if you could pay for a week, month or half term up front. From 8.20am the breakfast club will be free. Please note that breakfast club is now only funded for 20 minutes – therefore breakfast will only be served between 8.20 and 8.40. There will be no entry to the breakfast club after 8.35am.